Eldest Aunt's Confrontation (2)

Chen Qiuxiang glanced at her third daughter-in-law, who was following behind her mother-in-law. When she saw her red and swollen eyes, she sighed softly.

It seemed that this third daughter-in-law had definitely not competed with her in-laws. She felt extremely aggrieved.

Chen Qiuxiang took out a piece of silver jewelry from her bag. She walked up to the third daughter-in-law and said, "I originally wanted to give it to you as a wedding gift for you and Zhiqiang when I went to your house. Since you're here, I'll give you this silver hand now!"

Chen Guixiang's eyes lit up when she saw the silver bracelet.

Before her third daughter-in-law could take it, she snatched it from Chen Qiuxiang's hand and said with a smile, "Sister, you're too polite. Qingmei, thank Aunt!"

However, she did not give the bracelet to her third daughter-in-law.

The third daughter-in-law was about to cry again.