Coaxing Shi Yuxin

As soon as Shi Yuxin returned, he heard that the person in charge of Huatian Hotel had come. As soon as he heard about Huatian Hotel, he became vigilant!

He looked puzzled. "What's he doing here?"

Shi Yaoqing said, "I heard from our sister that the person who came is the general manager of Huatian Hotel, Dai Zhengxin! From what he said, he wants to work with us!"

"Then did sister agree?" Hua Yuxin asked.

Shi Yaoqing shook his head and said, "No! Sister said that she wants you to agree! As long as you agree, we'll work with them!"

Without thinking, Shi Yuxin said, "Of course I won't agree!"

When he thought about how his wife had been coveted by that fatty and how he had used despicable and shameless methods, Shi Yuxin still had lingering fears!

It was impossible for him to agree to cooperate now!