The Enemy of an Enemy

Sitting in the small restaurant, Shi Yuxin frowned and asked curiously, "Mr. Dai, how are you going to convince me?"

Dai Zhengxin smiled and said, "Mr. Shi, don't be anxious. Can we sit down and have a good chat like ordinary friends?"

As he spoke, he poured a cup of tea for Shi Yuxin and a glass of wine for himself. Then, he smiled and said, "Actually, I know very well that I might not be able to convince you, Mr. Shi!"

Shi Yuxin snorted coldly and said, "Since you know that you can't convince me, don't waste your effort. It's useless for you to ask me out. Humans have to know their limits."

Dai Zhengxin nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes! However, whether I can convince you or not, I have to give it a try, right?"

Shi Yuxin straightened his attitude and nodded. "Alright, go ahead and try."

Dai Zhengxin looked at Shi Yuxin's expression and attitude, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly!