Growing Well

Everyone quickly realized that Mo Junyan and Gu Qingming's relationship was getting better and better!

Madam Mo was delighted!

The better the relationship between the two youngsters, the happier she would be.

Madam Mo hugged Little Orange and asked tentatively, "Little Orange, can you let Uncle Mo be your Daddy?"

Little Orange tilted her cute little head and blinked her big eyes. It asked innocently and suspiciously, "Grandma Xiangxiang, what exactly is Daddy?"

Madam Mo explained, "Daddy is the hero who can protect you and Mommy."

"Protect me and Mommy?" Little Orange asked in confusion. "But Mommy and I don't need anyone to protect us!"

Madam Mo smiled and said, "Little Orange, think about it. Isn't your mother afraid of little bugs? After having Daddy, Daddy will get rid of those little bugs in advance. Mommy won't see the little bugs. This way, she won't be afraid. This is protection."