
The villagers were very curious about why Gu Qingming could be a technical consultant for the National Agricultural Investment Corporation.

After all, when Gu Qingming came, she was a rich young lady who had never done anything. She could cut her hand just by picking vegetables. Had she become a farming expert in just a year? The villagers found it unbelievable.

Hence, when Gu Qingming went to the various greenhouses to check on the planting and growth of crops, all of them were very curious.

"This is Shi Lichun's niece from Stoneback Village. She's so beautiful!"

"Yes, she's so beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful girl. Her skin is so fair and tender, her eyes are big and watery, and she's so tall. Tsk tsk, this girl is 1.7 meters tall, right?"

"She's 1.7 meters tall. She's really too tall. Not many girls in our village can grow to 1.7 meters. I'm afraid people like us look like children when we walk with her."