Chapter 78: Asmond's anxiety.

"Mykel? Aren't you supposed to go for the joint team? Edith is waiting for you in the living room," Lyneth asked as she sat on the bed next to Mykel who was still asleep.

"Hmm... what time is it?" Mykel replied weakly as he tried to open his eyes.

"It's already 10, Mykel. Did you train hard last night as well?" Lyneth asked as she gently stroked Mykel's hair. "Come on, they're already waiting for you at the Lucifer tower," she continued as she put on lipstick.

Mykel sat up as he took a deep breath and looked at the sunlight from the balcony that blinded him. "Weren't you supposed to be working? It's rare to see you still here at this hour," he asked with his right eye still closed.

"I want to pay a visit to my father's grave, it's been a while," Lyneth answered as she looked at Mykel with a sour smile.

"Right, I will go there as well once I'm done with the joint team," Mykel said as he looked at Lyneth and even though he didn't mean it.