Chapter 79: I give, I take.

Mykel watched Asmond, Kastor, and Caesar with Enma at the frontline fighting the demon servants. They were a bit struggling to defeat them because most of the demons from the Lucifer tower could fly. They had become stronger than the last time he saw them, especially Asmond because he was the main character of the story.

"Asmond! We will make an opening and you will take care of the rest, okay?" Enma said as she blocked the mace of an angelic-like demon.

"Got it! I will do my best!" Asmond said as he repelled the mace of the other servant with Kastor.

All the wounded Awakeners were resting on the back and Mykel wasn't that far from them. He decided to approach them and find out what kind of things they had in their minds.

"Good work," Mykel said as he offered a guy with a helmet on a sandwich that Edith made.