Chapter 88: Fallen heroes. (3)

"What a warm welcome that we have here," Gunnar said as he blocked arrows and magic while they were trying to enter the city with Eros next to him. "Rozan can you do something about this? We can't get boxed like this," he said as he slowly pushed forward.

Rozan created wind barriers around them and all the arrows and magic got repelled. Gunnar and Euros lowered their shield, they looked at the number of fallen heroes that were attacking them. There were at least a hundred of them and they stopped attacking the moment arrows and magic didn't do anything anymore.

"I think they're giving up, should we strike them back now?" Sven asked as he looked around. "Gerrard, can you pick us up?" he asked.

Gerrard nodded and grabbed Sven and Vincze then he teleported them to the other side of the city. Mykel flew the throwing knives at the fallen heroes and killed them so the others could start the cleaning.