Chapter 89: Nothing remained.

"How?! How can you enter the World of Night?!" Armata asked with her eyes wide open and took a few steps back. "You're not Goddess Nyx, so how can you attain her skill?!" she continued as she tried to deactivate the skill but it didn't let her leave.

"It's futile, you're now stuck in this world with me since I have a higher authority of the World of Night," Mykel said as he stood up and approached Armata after he made Agnez fall unconscious.

While Armata got the [Nacht] skill from Nyx, Mykel had [Nacht Omnipotence] which was the highest skill rank that Goddess Nyx herself possessed. Not only he could enter the World of Night freely, he could manipulate everything inside that world that including preventing anyone from leaving.

"No, it can't be! Who are you?!" Armata asked as she held her greatsword with her trembling hands.

"Didn't she warn you about my existence? I'm the one that will bring her and all her descendants fall on my knees," Mykel answered with a smirk on his face.