Chapter 107: Water Demon.

Mykel entered the room to check on Gunnar's condition but he was already up and looked healthy thanks to the [Health Potion] that Edith gave him. He looked at Mykel and immediately stood up to approach him.

"Boss! Thank you for saving my life! I'm sorry that I brought this mess to us like always," Gunnar said with various expressions of guilt, sadness, and gratitude.

Mykel smiled a bit and shook his head. "I'm glad that you're okay, Gunnar, that's what matters," he said as he patted Gunnar's armor. "It wasn't your fault so don't bother thinking about it,"

Agnez stared at Jeanne and she never thought Jeanne could make such a sinister face.

"What are we going to do with them? Is there a way to bring them back?" Agnez asked as she stared at Mykel who walked to the desk.

"The only way to bring them back is by killing the demon who put them in that state," Mykel answered as he sat down.