Chapter 108: Dried land.

Mykel and the others followed the soldier since Mykel wanted him to guide them to the dam where the flood came from. Mykel asked Gunnar to stay in the palace to guard Jeanne and the others with Lillith and Gunnar because they weren't necessary to follow him to the dam.

"Did the flood only happen in this city or in the other cities as well?" Edith asked.

"The last thing we heard about the other cities was that there was something more than just a flood. They said something was big enough to swallow a whole city in a single night," The soldier answered as he carefully walked away from the puddle of water.

"How many cities out there?" Agnez asked and stared at her own reflection in the water.

"Five, East City, South City, West City, North City, and lastly Central City. Right now we are in the East City," The soldier answered. "The Tower of Azrael is currently in the North City and that city was the one that I mentioned earlier where something big enough to swallow a whole city,"