Chapter 254: Bothersome.

Jeanne and the others were checking the city, but it was already empty when they got there. The demons seemed to be slaughtered, and the blood was still fresh. It could be that Adramalech and Daeva killed all of them out of boredom.

"Yo!" Rozan's voice could be heard from the city gate.

Jeanne turned around and sighed in relief when she saw him unharmed and unscathed. Although she thought of that, she knew that Mykel brought him back to life and was curious about what happened to him when he died.

Those Awakeners were happy and surprised to see him alive. They surrounded him and checked his whole body because they were worried about him.

"Seriously, you guys need to stop," Rozan said as he faked his smile.

Beldathiel came with Rozan, and she looked at Zherlthsh and Vixelleth with her eyebrows raised. She then walked toward them as the Awakeners looked at her with admiration and fear at the same time.

"What are we doing here?" Beldathiel asked Jeanne.