Chapter 255: Progressing slowly.

"Are we really going to use brute force to find the exit? What if there's a clue on one of these bookshelves?" Asmond asked as he looked at Agnez standing on top of the collapsed bookshelf.

"It's up to you. I'm just checking what was behind this bookshelf and turns out we are in a maze. So, if you want to do it their way, I'm not going to say anything and play along," Agnez answered as she looked at Asmond from over her right shoulder.

"Okay, then we should check the books, maybe there's one book that looks different from the others," Asmond replied as he looked at everyone around him. "I know that this would take a while, but I believe using brute force won't make any difference because I believe this place is bigger than we thought,"

Asmond was right about it, and the library was indeed as big as the city on the sixteenth floor. It would take longer to find the exit if they used brute force rather than looking for a clue.