Chapter 344: United.

"How was the vacation?" Mykel asked as he walked to the kitchen counter to have a drink while Beldathiel, Vixelleth, Glasya, and Zherlthsh sat at the kitchen counter enjoying their drinks.

"For me and Gerrard, it was really nice," Rozan answered as he stretched his arms. "But, why is Master here with us?" Rozan looked at Shelly staring at the city and was amazed by how tall the buildings were.

"I already knew the moment you gave us the Limit Break skill. You want us to fight someone strong, isn't it?" Agnez asked as she sat on the couch while massaging her neck.

Shelly wasn't the only one that Mykel brought to the suite. Lexus, Nexus, and their team were also there. Euros and the others were in the suite as well.