Chapter 345: Created for a mission.

"So, basically all of this happen just because of the Empyreanian? The demons don't even care about us? But if that's why they're doing this, then why we took the consequences as well?" Rozan asked in disbelief.

"Because of me," Jeanne answered as she looked at Rozan. "I'm half Empyreanian, and that's why the demons invade Earth," Jeanne said and she felt guilty for it.

"Okay, that makes sense, but what about the other worlds? Like Leowa, Orinca, and Helmga? Why he went to that extent to invade those worlds?" Rozan sounded so confused and a bit pissed.

"The answer is right in front of you," Mykel said as he stood up and walked towards the stained glass wall. "How did Jeanne end up on Earth? It was because those who possessed the souls of his siblings could move from one world to another," Mykel answered.