Chapter 453: Purgatory.

Hanessi was free-falling and hit the ground so hard that she was buried into the ground. He recovered almost in an instant and flew back up, but Aurea was already right in front of him with her fist ready to punch her face. Hanessi couldn't dodge it, so he blocked it with both hands and hoped Aurea's hand melted by the [Celestial King Aura].

Aurea pushed Hanessi down to the ground again and didn't stop until they reached the place where all the souls were tortured. Hanessi managed to melt Aurea's hand, but he was still going down and drowned in lava.

Beldathiel and her sisters followed them down the hole. They watched Hanessi climb up as Jeanne's armor was slowly being devoured by lava. They were amazed that he could survive and endure everything with only his regeneration ability.

"He's still as powerful as he possessed Jeanne's body. Looks like physical attacks won't be enough to tire him out," Vixelleth said as she stared at Jeanne's naked body.