Chapter 454: Dismember.

Aurea looked at her right hand covered in cuts. She had reached her limit because her regeneration ability had started to slow down. She couldn't wield the handleless sword anymore because of that, so she could only use her fists and claws to fight Hanessi. Thankfully, the Demon Princesses were strong enough to fight Hanessi in his current state, so she didn't have to push herself to the limit.

"Get some rest, who knows how long it will going to take to wear him out," Beldathiel said as she landed on the lava with her bare feet.

"Is Jeanne going to be alright in there?" Aurea asked as she watched Zherlthsh burn Jeanne with [Hellfire] and then Sapphira wrapped her red cloth-like wings around Jeanne's body and stabbed her with hundreds of spikes over and over that came out of her wings.