

Africa, a mystical land of fantasies made up of five kingdoms each with their own unique powers, creatures and so on. As every great story begins, birds fly across the beautiful sky as the sun rises. Deep in the forest somewhere in Ghana is a kid at about 15 years old sleeping in the back of a cheetah pulled carriage with a guard directing the cheetahs where to go.

NOTE: The cheetahs are of fantasy and are the Ghanaians' pets and means of travel as they ride on them.

The kid has memory flashes in which he's in a room with a man who's crying as he approaches and squats in front of him saying,

Man: "... I'm sorry son, there isn't enough time to explain everything, but soon you'll understand it all as I'm going to pass on the Speedster warrior to you along with which you'll inherit my memories which will gradually open up to you. You will be taken to Sadiyya so she trains you and Diane to master your Warriors' powers, and together you'll someday free the Africans and any others the British may conquer with the other Warriors' powers. This is the freedom war plan Dom and I came up with..."

His dad grabs hold of his left hand locking the fingers together with his left hand as though they're about to arm wrestle. Surges of lightning travel from his hand and into the kid's hand who screams as this happens and wakes up looking into his left palm to find a black lightning designed mark in it. He immediately freaks out asking,

Kid: "Where's my dad?! Please take me back to him!"

Guard: "Your dad's fine Barry, calm down. I'm taking you to a safe place where you'll train to master your warrior's powers before you face the British as your dad planned"

Just then, they are surrounded by soldiers in black panther suits who close in on them with lightning powers surging in their hands. Elsewhere in the palace throne hall of Egypt, Thomas Nelson, commander of the British army stands before the British war council of five generals and calls upon the British super soldier spies into the hall along with their kids,

Thomas: "Frank Shaw and son Francis Shaw, Annabel Watson and son Jon Castle, and Vida Jones and daughter Danielle Pierce. Out of our five spies, only these three apparently completed their mission. Mark Annor and Dominic Bruce didn't show up"

Steven Sanders, head general of the war council then asks,

Steven: "Frank, as leader of the spies, what's your report on Mark and Dom?"

Frank: "General, Mark didn't show up to our final meeting in preparation for your arrival a month ago, so we sent Dom to check on him and he reported back that Mark was okay and couldn't make it because of some personal reasons"

Steven: "Personal reasons? Since when did you spies have personal reasons? I guess Mark's spy programming needs to be updated. And with Dom not showing up today, his programming may need an update too"

Frank: "We sent some soldiers to get them so they should be here not long now"

In no time, a soldier shows up at the hall out of breath and beaten up. The commander asks him,

Thomas: "What happened with Mark and Dom?"

Soldier: "They've formed what they called the United Kingdoms Resistance (UKR) made up of Ghanaian and South African soldiers. They beat us effortlessly and claimed that they're the resistance that will fight off the British from Africa and that I return to make it clear that you stay away from their kids".

Frank: "Those imbeciles..."

Steven: "Thomas, let's get the warrior powers passed on to the kids immediately and then we'll launch an attack on them to show them the might of the British which their little resistance is of no match now"

Thomas: "Yes general..."

Over in the Ghanaian palace garden, Mark, Dom and John talk with John asking,

John: "My king, you seemed to know those white godly men we fought? What were those unique thunder powered weapons they fired at us? And why did they want to capture you and King Dominic?"

Mark: "They weren't gods John, they were British soldiers, and the weapons you're talking about are called guns. We know them because we were one of them.

John: "British soldiers? How were you one of them when they only just showed up here from the sky?"

Mark: "There's a lot you Africans do not know John, I'd wished Agnes left you warrior guards with your memories of the war but she refused. If I'm to start telling you everything, we'd be here for days and we don't have that kind of time to waste. But I promise you'll eventually find out the whole truth..."

NOTE: Warrior guards are African soldiers selected by their nation's Warrior carrier for their outstanding skills and bestowed upon greater unique powers based on their nation's general power in order to help their Warrior carriers in their quests. Each Warrior carrier can have two Warrior guards at a time.

John: "I see... whatever it is, I trust your judgement. What shall we do now?"

Mark: "Go prepare the soldiers for battle as the British soldiers will be back anytime soon"

John: "Yes my king..."

John leaves and Dom says,

Dom: "So... the time has come, today begins the war for Africa's freedom and the prevention of the world's destruction. You still think this was the right way to go about it as you did a month ago?"

Mark: "Unfortunately we didn't have much time to better think of another way to have gone about this, but knowing the truth we know, doing this is better than doing nothing to prevent the Africans from being colonized and used as tools for war"

Dom: "Well, let's just hope this eventually works out as it's too late to turn back now"

Mark: "I trust in our kids, trust in them too, for they are the blooming buds that will spearhead the freedom war"

Dom: "I see..."

Back at the ceremony hall in Egypt, Frank, Annabel and Vida pass on their warrior powers, the Guardian, the Cosmic and the Pyro warriors to their kids Francis, Jon and Danielle respectively before their nations' soldiers and their families, that is, Egyptians, Nigerians and Kenyans. After, Francis leads Jon and Danielle to inform their African soldiers that,

Francis: "People of Egypt, Nigeria and Kenya, today upon gaining the warrior powers and our ancestors' memories, we have found that they've lied to us all our lives. These warrior powers we have, the powers you have, the mystic nature of Africa and so on are all as a result of our ancestors stealing the power of the gods you see before us. To make things right, we will be the angels who will fight to gather all the warrior powers back for the gods from the devils who stand against us, and restore their former glory in the world so they have mercy and forgive us our sins"

Families of Soldiers: "What...?"

African Soldiers: "Yes our kings and queen..."

Steven then says to the other generals that,

Steven: "Now we're very close to restoring the power that was stolen from us back during World War 1..."

Thomas: "General, the ceremony is complete now, what shall we do next?"

Steven: "Prep them for battle and set off to capture Mark, Dom and their kids. Do not kill them as they may still be carrying their warrior powers"

Thomas: "Yes general"

It's almost sunset and a hawk flies onto the hawk post at the Ghanaian palace with a letter bound to its talon. A guard takes out the letter to deliver to Mark who immediately opens it to read saying,

Mark: "It's from Sadiyya, my second warrior guard and expert on Warriors tasked with guarding and training the kids on Swaziland"

Dom: "What's it say?"

Mark: "She says Diane arrived safely but Barry never showed up..."

Dom: "What? You think the British may have gotten him?"

Mark: "I doubt it. it's probably the Panther tribe as I directed the guard to use a short route to Swaziland which goes through their territory"

Dom: "So what'll you do now?"

Mark: "I'm gonna leave for the Panthers' now, their leader, Toaze Charles Owusu, the Red Hunter, was Agnes' first warrior guard but departed from the nation as she was supposed to marry him but married me instead after the war"

Dom: "The Red Hunter huh... why didn't she just alter his memories like she did with the war?"

Mark: "She thought of it, but she just couldn't bring herself to go that far with her childhood best friend. Also she already hated herself enough for altering the Africans' memories of the war and outside world"

Dom: "I see..."

Mark: "I'm gonna leave now"

Dom: "Alright"

Just as Mark is ready and about to get on his cheetah, the alert bell is rang and John shows up to Mark and Dom saying,

John: "Several British airships are approaching"

Dom: "So soon?"

Mark: "I'm gonna bet they came with the warrior kids. John, this may very well be our last battle, whatever happens, get to the Panthers' as they may have Barry with them, and after getting him, join Sadiyya on Swaziland and lead the UKR to fight off the British until Barry and Diane can use their Warriors to get rid of them from Africa. In the course of this, all your questions will be answered as the truth will be revealed to you"

John: "Yes my king..."

NOTE: The British airships are customized galleons made of titanium alloys and have special air balloons and propellers instead of sails for flight.

Meanwhile in one of the airships, Thomas says to the Warrior kids; Francis, Jon and Danielle that,

Thomas: "You kids have not had enough time to train with your Warrior powers, but this battle should be an even better training experience for you as right from here we're taking you to the front lines to claim victory for the British in the ongoing World War 3. You'll be our trump card so wait till I give you the go ahead to join in"

Francis, Danielle and Jon: "Yes sir..."

Mark, Dom and John lead the UKR to take their stance on the fields close to the palace in wait of the British soldiers about to drop from the airships.

NOTE: The British soldiers use air maneuvering suits with grappling hooks made of steel that can be shot out from their suits' wrists at the press of a button on the suit's gloves which also quickly retracts the hooks back into the wrists when pressed again. The hooks pierce into a special chamber layer made on the outermost part of their airships. The suit's also have two G18 guns each strapped to their thighs.

The soldiers begin to maneuver the sky from their airships led by Frank, Annabel and Vida while shooting at the UKR who also fight back with their lightning and ice powers. Frank charges at Mark and as he punches him away, Annabel and Vida charge at Dom. Frank says to Dom as he beats him up that,

Frank: "So being the weakest spy wasn't enough? You had to betray us too?"

Mark: "You don't get it, I was shown the truth about the British, they will only lead the world to it's doom"

Frank: "You say British like you're not one of us"

Mark: "I'm no longer one of you, and I'm going to make things right..."

As Frank wonders what nonsense Mark is going on about, Mark gets the upper hand and starts beating Frank. Dom is also doing quite well against Annabel and Vida and not long, the British soldiers are at a disadvantage as the UKR being Africans are naturally stronger and powerful and can easily kill them as their suits and guns barely protect them from the UKR. As the British are losing, Thomas says to the warrior kids,

Thomas: "It's time kids, get down there and claim victory for us..."

Kids: "Yes sir..."

Just then, Francis, Jon and Danielle jump out the airship grappling their suits' hooks to the nearby airships to swing around and get close to where they need to be. As soon as they're right above their destination, they take out their left hands in which Francis has a black shield designed mark, Jon has a black energy designed mark and Danielle has a black fiery designed mark. And as they stare into them, the marks glow and extend in unique patterns all over their bodies causing a unique explosion each with Francis' being a dark metallic effect with suspenseful clanging sounds, Jon's being a multiple colours glowing energy effect with psionic sounds and Danielle's being a bright fiery effect with raging fire sounds. They all land on the fields in their 12 feet tall Warrior forms with Francis', the Guardian warrior looking like a dark metallic humanoid beast, Jon's, the Cosmic warrior looking like a humanoid rainbow beast and Danielle's, the Pyro warrior looking like a humanoid sun beast. As all the soldiers stare at the Warriors' transformations including the UKR who regardless of being Africans are still amazed by it as they haven't seen the warriors in a very long time, John says,

John: "The Warriors, it's always an amazing sight to see them transform, much less seeing it now when it's been ten years since we last saw them"

Mark: "Oh Frank, I wish you'd see beyond the British spy programming and realize the position you've put them in, using kids as tools of war?"

Frank: "Shut up you traitor..."

The warriors trample the fields killing many of the UKR soldiers with the Guardian using its metallic non-tech weapons manifestation powers, the Cosmic using its cosmic energy powers and the Pyro using its fire and lava powers. As Mark and Dom realize this is a pointless battle, they give up with Mark saying to John,

Mark: "This was never the main war, now hurry and get out of here with those remaining, and remember what I told you..."

John: "Yes my king..."

John then calls on the remaining UNR soldiers to retreat and they hurry onto their cheetahs and escape. Mark and Dom are captured by the British and taken aboard their airships. Meanwhile, Barry and the guard who was with him led by the soldiers in black panther suits arrive at a place in the forest with giant trees and some of them with tree houses built in and on them. As they look around, the chapter ends.