

It's morning, and Mark and Dom have been summoned before the British war council with general Steven questioning them that,

Steven: "How did you two manage to break your spy programming and betray us? And where are your kids?"

Mark and Dom: ...

Steven: "Nothing to say? Okay, Thomas, get their spy programming updated and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to talk after. In the meantime, send the Warriors and some of their African soldiers off to the front lines of the war where we need them most"

Thomas: "Yes general..."

Over in Swaziland, Diane is about to begin her training led by Sadiyya, Mark's second warrior guard and then she asks,

Diane: "Where's Barry? My dad told me I'd be training with him"

Sadiyya: "Don't worry, he'll join us soon..."

Diane: "Okay..."

Sadiyya: "Now take your stance and let us begin. We'll start with combat training to prepare your body and mind for the toll of the Warrior transformation so it's easier on you"

Diane: ...

Elsewhere in the kingdom of Egypt, about twenty Egyptian, Nigerian and Kenyan soldiers meet secretly with one of their three apparent leaders saying,

Leader 1: "You all heard what the Warriors told us last night about our ancestors lying to us, but I find you didn't really believe them right?"

Soldiers: ...

Leader 1: "I didn't believe them either. I mean, how can we just trust in these strangers no matter how godly they may look saying our ancestors stole their power? How did they steal from them if they're truly gods? And that's why I secretly had you all scouted and gathered here so we plan to escape and join the UKR to find out what's really going on. We three have found that they had king Mark and Dom tortured of sorts and plan to have them lead us to their kids this afternoon. We will take over one of the airships and once we're there, we'll help the UKR protect the kids from them as it appears that's what king Mark and Dom want to do..."

Soldier 1: "We're with you..."

Other Soldiers: "Yeah... we're with you!"

Meanwhile at the Panther Tribe village, a man stands atop a tree branch staring into the distance and remembering what he found out from the guard who was with Barry the previous night. In the memory, Barry and the guard have been brought before him and he questions the guard asking,

Man: "Do you know whom I am...?"

Guard: ...

As he refuses to speak, a Panther tribe guard electrocutes him with his lightning powers saying,

Panther Tribe Guard: "The king asked you a question...!"

Guard: "Aah...! (As he's electrocuted) You're king Toaze Charles Owusu, the Red Hunter..."

Toaze: "Good... from your uniform I'm guessing you're a Ghanaian soldier?"

Guard: "Yes... yes I am"

Toaze: "Why were you in our territory with this kid?"

Guard: "He's prince Barry, son of the late Speedster warrior avatar, queen Agnes, and king Mark. I was asked by the king to send him to his second warrior guard in Swaziland to protect him from some invaders trying to harm him and for him to be trained to be able to fight them"

Toaze: "I see... Put them away and have the spies investigate what's going on in Ghana"

Panther Tribe Guard: "Yes my king..."

Back to the present, Toaze thinks,

Toaze: "So he can fight them huh...? The son of my beloved Agnes... could it be he has the Speedster warrior? Well, if so I must train him so he can protect himself and my people from these invaders..."

Just then, two Panther tribe guards bring Barry to Toaze atop the trees. The guards leave and then Toaze says to Barry as he jumps onto another tree branch that,

Toaze: "Walk with me..."

Barry: ...

Barry follows after Toaze who takes him around the village saying,

Toaze: "So my spies went to check out what's happening in Ghana and found that your dad and king Dom were captured by the invaders. And I believe your dad wanted you trained as you have the Speedster warrior?"

Barry: ... (As he looks at the black lightning mark in his left palm)

Toaze: "I see... Well, if you want to save your dad, you must indeed train to master the Warrior's power, and I can help with that. I will take you under my wing and give you the best soldier training which combined with your Warrior powers will make you a force to be reckoned with. When that's done, we'll go save your dad and get rid of the invaders..."

Barry remembers what his dad last said to him that,

Mark: "You will be taken to Sadiyya so she trains you and Diane to master your Warriors' powers, and together you'll someday free the Africans and any others the British may conquer with the other Warriors' powers. This is the freedom war plan Dom and I came up with..."

He then replies to Toaze,

Barry: "They're called British..."

Toaze: "What...?"

Barry: "The Invaders, my dad called them the British as he passed on the Speedster warrior to me..."

Toaze: "British huh..."

Barry: "I accept... train me so that I will be as strong as you Red Hunter. And after, I'll drive away the British from Africa..."

Toaze: "... Alright, let's go to the training grounds and see what you've got"

Barry: ...

Over in Egypt, Mark and Dom have been reprogrammed back to their spy selves and walk into the spies armor room led by commander Thomas. In there, they meet Frank, Annabel and Vida and Thomas says to them,

Thomas: "Mark will lead you to where their kids are. You leave in a few minutes"

Frank: "Betray us again, and I'll kill you myself..."

Mark and Dom: ...

Annabel: "You're not coming with us commander?"

Thomas: "No, I'm leaving with your kids and some soldiers to the front lines of the war. Their power is really needed there..."

Annabel: "Alright, till we meet again..."

Thomas: "... Now suit up"

Meanwhile, the Egyptian, Nigerian and Kenyan soldiers who met secretly to plan their escape group and sneak their families onboard one of the airships manned by the least British soldiers and get them to hide in the very base floor of the ship. Not long, several airships are flown as they commence the search for the kids. Deep in the forest somewhere in Ghana, John and the UNR had camped and a guard comes to report to John in his tent that,

Guard: "The scouts are back..."

John: ...

John gets out of his tent and one of the two scouts says to him,

Scout 1: "The Panthers have the prince but he isn't harmed and seems welcomed..."

John: "Okay... Pack up everyone, we leave for the Panthers' to get prince Barry"

Back in Swaziland, Diane is all worn out from Sadiyya's combat training and as they breathe heavily, Sadiyya commends Diane,

Sadiyya: "You're a natural and catch on fast... We'll take a break now, after we'll move on to Warrior transformation..."

Diane: ...

Over with the British airships, Mark says to the spies,

Mark: "We're just about there, just a little to the west..."

Spies: ...

Frank: "Prepare to attack soldiers...!"

Soldiers: ...

John and the UKR are also almost at the Panthers' and they see the British airships fly above them and towards the Panthers' too. John realizing they may know where Barry is shouts,

John: "Hurry men, it seems they know where the prince is...!"

UKR: ...

Meanwhile at the Panther tribe village training grounds, Barry has been having combat training with some kids of his age with Toaze thinking,

Toaze: "He's got a lot of willpower and acts on impulse but it appears he'll need more than this training for him to achieve Warrior transformation..."

A girl of Barry's age then shows up saying to Toaze,

Girl: "You really think he can help us fight whatever we're up against dad...?"

Toaze: "Unlike you Marilyn, he wasn't trained right from childhood to survive in the wild... But yeah, in due time with good training and the right amount of push, he can help us not just fight but destroy whatever we're up against..."

Marilyn: "... If you say so"

Just then, the warning bells ring and a guard runs up to them saying,

Guard: "There are some sort of huge birds approaching just like the ones the Ghanaians described carried king Mark and Dom away. And it appears there are people hanging by them..."

Toaze: "Tell everyone to prepare for battle..."

Guard: "Yes my king..."

Toaze: "Marilyn, get the kids to safety..."

Marilyn: "On it..."

Now the airships are right above the Panther tribe village and the soldiers swing their way to the ground and clash with the Panther tribe soldiers. The soldiers who met in secret and planned to escape also take over the airship they were in and start shooting down some of the other airships as they make their way to land and help who they believe to be the UKR. Frank, Mark, Dom, Annabel and Vida charge in the direction of the kids taking down all the Panther soldiers in their path until Toaze shows up before them shooting lightning construct arrows from a lightning construct bow to knock them down. Frank orders the other spies saying,

Frank: "Dom, Annabel, Vida, handle him while Mark and I go get the boy"

Dom, Annabel and Vida: ...

Dom, Annabel and Vida surround Toaze and just as they're about to attack him, John and the UKR join the battle with John helping Toaze fight Dom, Annabel and Vida. In the course of this, Toaze sees multiple British soldiers heading in the kids' direction following Mark and Frank with only one Panther guard to protect the kids. Toaze then exhibits his skills that earned him the name 'Red Hunter' by enlarging his lightning bow and arrow constructs and powering up the arrow even more with his lightning power and shooting it at the British soldiers saying,

Toaze; "Lightning rain of arrows...!"

The huge lightning arrow upon reaching the soldiers separates into thousands of lightning arrows which fall like rain on the soldiers splattering them and leaving only their blood behind and then the Panther guard guarding the kids says,

Guard: "They don't call him the Red Hunter for nothing..."

Then as Mark and Frank approach him, he says to the kids,

Guard: "C'mon kids, get to safety while I hold off these two"

The guard clashes with Mark and Frank as the kids run away, but Barry upon seeing his dad, Mark, instead runs towards him and just as Frank tries grabbing hold of him, Marilyn shows up out of nowhere blasting Frank back with a lightning blade saying,

Marilyn: "Lightning Blade...!"

As Frank groans on the floor she says to him,

Marilyn: "Hurts like a bitch doesn't it?"

Frank: ...

Marilyn: "I worked on this technique with inspiration from my dad's lightning rain of arrows technique. Only unlike him I don't have the warrior guard power he has and so I had to compromise and can only use this once a day..."

Frank: "Well I'm gonna hurt you far worse than you could ever hurt me..."

Marilyn: "We'll see about that..."

Frank and Marilyn clash and meanwhile, Mark takes down the Panther guard who was guarding the kids and is about to capture Barry who hugs him. Just then, Mark's spy programming is undone once again as a spark of lightning surges from Barry's hands and into Mark. Mark then charges at Frank who's about to crash Marilyn's head and punches him away with all his strength. Mark is now kneeling on the floor and as Barry walks up to him he says,

Mark: "You have to use the Warrior's power to save them Barry. You have to transform now..."

Marilyn: ...

Barry: "But I don't know how to..."

Mark: "Just calm down and feel the power coursing through you. In this situation I'm sure it's begging you to call it out so it can protect you... Feel it Barry, and let it take over..."

Barry: ...

Barry calms down closing his eyes and trying to transform into the Speedster warrior, but he's unable to and out of nowhere, Frank shows up punching Mark away saying,

Frank: "I told you I'd kill you if you ever betrayed us again..."

Barry and Marilyn try holding Frank back but they gets knocked away and Frank takes out his G18 gun from his suit's right thigh strap and points it at Mark. As Barry stares in despair, Mark smiles at him saying,

Mark: "It's all on you now Barry, the freedom war, you can do it..."

Frank then pulls the trigger shooting Mark in the head with Barry screaming,

Barry: "Dad no...!"

Just then, the black lightning mark in Barry's left palm glows blue and extends in a unique pattern all over his body causing a unique explosion with blue raging lightning effect and sound which makes the area very dusty. As everyone looks into the dust from which a 12 feet tall shadowy figure roars, Barry, now the Speedster warrior who looks like a humanoid lightning storm with white eyes emerges looking around and just then, Frank and the other spies shoot their suits' grapplers to their last remaining airship and as they make their escape, the Speedster warrior charges at them and strikes at Frank managing to scratch his chest with it's claws and wounding him. Now the remaining British soldiers also try to escape by shooting their grapplers to the last airship but the Speedster warrior intercepts their grapplers preventing them from hooking on to the airship and then it superspeeds around the village wreaking havoc and killing them very unpleasantly with John, the UKR including the about 20 soldiers and their families who escaped from Egypt, Marilyn, the other kids and Toaze watching. The Speedster warrior now roars as it stands over the bodies of the soldiers with Barry in it and thinking,

Barry: "This is for my father... and soon, I'll get rid of all of you...!"

Toaze also thinks as he watches the Speedster warrior roar,

Toaze: "This is what I was talking about Marilyn, with good training and the right amount of push, he can help us destroy the British. He's going to be our key to winning this war..."

As they all stare at the Speedster warrior roar, the chapter ends.