
Yun Shu was having another headache.

She had only returned to the hall when her grandmother called, asking her about her progress with the blind date.

Yun Shu finally remembered how she had duped her grandmother before she head to work, telling her that she would find someone at the blind date event. Hearing the hint of excitement in her grandmother's voice, Yun Shu had no other choice but to tell her the truth. She only came to this blind event for work.

Through the phone, Yun Shu could hear the sigh of disappointment from her grandmother.

"I know that this is going to happen." Yao Ying said. "Fortunately, I made another plan."

Her heart skipped a beat.

Yun Shu had a feeling that this plan shouldn't be anything good.

"Coincidentally, Old Cheng said that his grandson had just returned home after staying abroad for years," Yao Ying said. "Yun Shu, you're going on a blind date."

The corner of her lips started to twitch.

She should have known that it won't be anything good when her grandmother called.

Yun Shu started to massage the space between her brows when one of her co-workers walked over to her.

"Yun Shu, are you listening?" Yao Ying spoke again. "I'll set this date for you tomorrow, alright?"

"Grandma, let's talk about this later. I still have something to do," Yun Shu spoke quickly. "Let's discuss this when I get home, alright?"

The call finally ended. Yun Shu turned to her colleagues and heard another piece of bad news.

That scumbag, Qin Ji Ran seemed to be loitering around the parking lot, as if waiting for someone. However, because he was also a customer of this club, they could not do anything about him.

Yun Shu could only let her colleague alert the security.

Once Qin Ji Ran was seen approaching any of the event's participants, the security would take action.

Anyway, they have Old Master Gao as their backing. They shouldn't be afraid to offend Qin Ji Ran.

Yun Shu had just finished giving her colleague a few instructions when she noticed that someone stopped in front of her.

His tall silhouette was blocking the light in front of her, forcing her to look up.

As she met the man's gaze, Yun Shu could not help but feel that this person seemed a little familiar. She stared at the man with a dazed look in her eyes before remembering that this was the fierce doctor that her grandmother had tried to set her up with at the vegetable section in the market.

There was a trace of panic in her eyes as she was not expecting that she would run into this man at this place.

However, a few seconds later, her eyes fell on the flower lapel pin on his coat.

It was then that Yun Shu realized that this man should be a participant in this blind event as well.

Yun Shu would never have thought that the fierce doctor would face the same fate as the other participants. She wondered if he too had some elders who were worrying that he had stayed single for too long.

"Hello." Qi Zheng stretched his hand for a handshake. "I'm Qi Zheng. This is a coincidence. We've met again."

Yun Shu felt some heat creeping into her face. She had not expected that this man would remember her. Yun Shu was wondering whether she should pretend that she did not remember him when he continued to speak. Subconsciously, Yun Shu stretched her hand and shook his.

"I did not expect that you would be a participant in this event as well."

There was a hint of puzzlement in her eyes. It took her a few seconds to realize that this man had mistakenly thought that she was also a participant in this event.

However, after that little stunt that her grandmother had pulled on her a few weeks ago, Yun Shu did not find it strange that this man would misunderstand.

"Do you want to come with me and get a marriage certificate?"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Yun Shu did not know whether she should laugh or cry at this misunderstanding. Her mind whirled to think of a way to explain this matter to him so that they would not get embarrassed.

"I think this is a good idea," Qi Zheng continued. Naturally, he had missed the dumbfounded look on Yun Shu's face. "This way, your grandmother would stop urging you to get a boyfriend, and I can also stop my family from doing the same."

Actually, Qi Zheng was also exhausted after meeting a few ladies. Thinking that his elders would arrange another blind date such as this again, made him feel that he just wanted to get over it.

To stop his elders from worrying about his lifetime event, it would be better to just go to the final step and get married, right?

Qi Zheng finally realized that the look on her face did not seem right. He realized that he might be a little abrupt and decided to speak again. "Let me just tell you about my background. I'm thirty-four years old this year. I have a stable job and am financially independent. My father is a businessman while my mother is a full-time housewife. I can assure you that marrying me would not be a bad choice."

Her lips parted. Yun Shu thought that there was a possibility that she was hallucinating at this moment.

"I know that this request might seem a little abrupt. However, I also thought that attending another blind date event such as this could be tiring as well," Qi Zheng continued. "For the sake of our elders, why not we both join hands and satisfy their wishes? If you don't mind, let's get a marriage certificate after this."

Qi Zheng paused to study her reaction. Seeing that she did not say a word, he continued to convince her to marry him. "If it would make you feel better, we can also sign an agreement before we get a marriage certificate."

Once he finished saying what he came to say, Qi Zheng waited for her reply. At the same time, he wondered if this woman would slap him across the face for coming up with something too sudden.