Trying to Trick His Grandfather

The atmosphere between then turned strange.

Yun Shu stared back at the man in front of her, wondering just what had just happened. This was the third time she had met this person and he had suddenly proposed?

Wasn't this kind of marriage too sloppy?

Moreover, he seemed to have misunderstood something. She was not a participant in this blind event, ah!

Yun Shu opened her mouth, wanting to explain the truth. However, just in time, her phone beeped again. Yun Shu glanced at her screen and saw that it was a message from her grandmother.

This time, her grandmother was sending her a brief introduction to someone's grandson -- the man who was supposed to be her blind date tomorrow.

The corner of her lips began to twitch.

Yun Shu raised her head again and saw that Qi Zheng was still waiting for her reply.

Who knew just what was going on in Yun Shu's mind at that moment. But, she finally opened her mouth and answered, "Alright. Let's go and get a certificate." She glanced at her wristwatch before continuing, "But I still have to work. You have to wait until I finish my job in about an hour. Then, we can go and get a certificate."

There was a hint of surprise on Qi Zheng's face. He quickly recovered and spoke, "Then, I will wait for you. I'll come again at this spot in an hour."

Just like that, the two of them made an arrangement to meet again. Yun Shu watched as the man walked away and wondered if he will finally come to his senses in an hour.

If he did not come to find her in an hour, she would understand. After all, proposing to someone you met for the third time was quite bizarre, wasn't it?

With that thought, Yun Shu began to feel more at ease. She turned around before resuming to do her job.

Meanwhile, Qi Zheng did not go back to the blind date event. Instead, he turned and headed to the cafe at the club.

Feng An Yu was drinking his coffee while texting Grandfather Qi about the blind date event when he noticed that someone had slipped into the seat in front of him. He looked up and was surprised to see his cousin.

"You... Qi Zheng, what are you doing here?" Feng An Yu asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at the blind date event?" He glanced at the time on his phone and spoke again, "Don't tell me that the event ended?"

Qi Zheng leaned on the chair with a serious look on his face. "An Yu, I'm getting married."

Feng An Yu had just picked up his cup of coffee and taken a sip when he heard his cousin's words. He choked on his drinks and almost sprayed the coffee on Qi Zheng's face.

Seeing this scene made Qi Zheng frown. He picked up a napkin and handed it over to his cousin. "You're dirty."

Feng An Yu shot a helpless gaze. "What do you mean? Qi Zheng, are you telling me that you actually met someone?"

"Mmm..." Without bothering to explain more, Qi Zheng took out his phone and started to make a few phone calls.

In the beginning, Feng An Yu thought that Qi Zheng was pulling his leg. However, as he continued to listen to Qi Zheng's phone conversation, his eyes widened in shock.

The first person that Qi Zheng called was no other than their best friend, Wei Jun Hao. A lawyer.

Through their conversation, Feng An Yu overheard Qi Zheng asking their friend to prepare a marriage contract.

Suddenly, Feng An Yu was no longer interested in drinking his coffee. He eavesdropped on Qi Zheng's conversation until the end. When Qi Zheng finally ended the call, Feng An Yu leaned forward and spoke, "What did Jun Hao say?"

Qi Zheng looked at his cousin calmly. "He said he will meet us in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau in an hour." His gaze shifted as he had thought of something. "That's right. I still have to go and get my household register." Qi Zheng tapped his finger on his phone as he planned to ask someone to bring his household register to the bureau.

Feng An Yu stared at his cousin for a long time. Then, he realized that Qi Zheng might not be joking about this marriage.

This man was really planning to get a marriage certificate.

He did not mishear Qi Zheng's words, did he?

"Qi Zheng, are you sure about this? You are really going to get a marriage certificate with some random woman?"

"Why not?" Qi Zheng looked at his cousin coolly.

"This is marriage. You have to think it through," Feng An Yu reminded him.

"I have thought about it carefully. As long as I am not married, Grandfather will continue to arrange more blind dates and make me attend events to meet women. The only way I can stop this is by getting married. Coincidentally, the woman I met was facing the same problem. Her grandmother was urging her to get married as well. I decided to work with her."

Hearing his words, Feng An Yu finally understood the reason Qi Zheng was going to need a marriage contract!

There was a reason Qi Zheng was looking for Wei Jun Hao and asked him to draft a contract.

This man was trying to trick his grandfather!

A contracted marriage!

When the realization hit him, Feng An Yu could only stare at his cousin with his wide eyes. He tried to say something about it, but no words came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, his gaze turned sharp. "Feng An Yu, you cannot tell my grandfather or anyone else about this."

Qi Zheng's gaze was too scary that Feng An Yu had no other choice but to agree.

After waiting for an hour, Qi Zheng went back to the spot where he had found Yun Shu.

The light in his eyes flickered upon seeing that the woman was already there.

Their gazes met briefly. Then, Qi Zheng spoke, "Are you ready?"