Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, Congratulations

As soon as they alighted the car, Wei Jun Hao stepped forward to greet his friends. He exchanged a few words with Qi Zheng before turning to the woman beside Qi Zheng. "This is..."

Qi Zheng turned to Yun Shu and nodded. "This is the person who I'll be marrying. Yun Shu."

Wei Jun Hao gave her a quick lookover before smiling. "Sister-in-law, hello." He stretched his hand for a handshake. "My name is Wei Jun Hao. Qi Zheng is my brother."

"Hello." Yun Shu shook his hand absentmindedly. She was still too shocked to hear Wei Jun Hao addressing her as sister-in-law.

Meanwhile, at the side, Feng An Yu's expression was not that right too. He had hoped that this friend would knock some sense into Qi Zheng, but Wei Jun Hao had straightaway called this woman, 'sister-in-law'.

Wei Jun Hao turned to Qi Zheng again as he passed the tablet in his hand. "This is the draft that I have prepared. You can check it first. If there is no problem, I will let my assistant proceed with the agreement."

Qi Zheng nodded. He took the tablet and scanned through the contents. Once he was satisfied, he passed the tablet to Yun Shu to let her check on the agreement as well.

Seeing that there was no problem, QI Zheng finally led Yun Shu into the building.

Wei Jun Hao was about to follow the couple when Feng An Yu tugged his arms to stop him.

"Are you crazy?" Feng An Yu spoke. "Wei Jun Hao, aren't you supposed to advise Qi Zheng not to do something like this? He was about to get married to a stranger. As his friend, aren't you supposed to knock some sense into him? Do you know that Qi Zheng wanted to trick his grandfather with this marriage?"

Wei Jun Hao stared back at his friend with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "An Yu, you were a little talkative today." His laughter reverberated when he saw the look on Feng An Yu's face. "I'm here as Qi Zheng's lawyer. I've already said what I should be said to him. Since he wanted to go through with this marriage, I trusted that Qi Zheng knew what he was doing."

Feng An Yu choked on some air. "You're just trying to make money from this situation."

"That's right." Wei Jun Hao did not deny it. "My wife had given birth to triplets. Their milk powder and diapers are too expensive. Of course, I have to find every chance to make more money. "

Without waiting for Feng An Yu's reply, Wei Jun Hao entered the building to help Qi Zheng with the procedure.

Fortunately, there were not too many people around at this time. Therefore, the procedure was settled up quickly.

Half an hour later, both Qi Zheng and Yun Shu were holding the red books in their hand.

Yun Shu stared at the book in her hand and wondered if it would be too late to turn around and ask for an annulment.

Now that she was holding the book in her hand, Yun Shu began to realize that she had done something so crazy.

"Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, congratulations on your marriage."

Wei Jun Hao's voice snapped her out of her trance.

Yun Shu looked up and saw that the man was smiling amiably at them. Until now, Yun Shu was having a hard time believing what just happened.

"My assistant had printed out the agreement for you to sign," Wei Jun Hao spoke as he took out a stack of paper from a brown envelope. "Do you want to sign it now?"

Qi Zheng nodded. "Let's just get this over quickly."

The smile on Wei Jun Hao's face widened. He passed the documents as well as a pen over to his friend. Then, he stood at the side to watch him put down his signature.

Once QI Zheng was done, the documents were passed to Yun Shu. She scanned the contents, took a deep breath, and signed. As she handed the documents over, Yun Shu could still feel her heartbeat thumping loudly against her ribcage.

Thinking of the consequences that she will have to deal with from her impulse decision made her anxious.

She must have lost her mind! What was she thinking when she agreed to get a marriage certificate with this person she barely know? This person might be a scammer!

A large hand appeared in her vision, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Yun Shu looked up and saw that Qi Zheng was looking at her with a faint smile on his face. Then, her gaze shifted to his hand again.

"Miss Yun, let's try to get along with each other within this one-year period."

Yun Shu shook his hand briefly before letting it go. When Qi Zheng turned around, Yun Shu balled her hand tightly into a fist. The light electric feeling when they shook hands made her anxious.

Wei Jun Hao checked on the documents again and nodded. He turned to Qi Zheng and spoke, "Then, I should return to my office first and deal with this agreement." He glanced at Yun Shu and continued, "Qi Zheng, we should get together soon. You should introduce your wife to the others."

Qi Zheng exchanged a few words with his friend before turning to Yun Shu again. "Miss Yun, give me your phone."

"Ah?" Yun Shu was too busy thinking of something else that she had not noticed Qi Zheng was talking to her.

"Now that we are married we should exchange our contact, don't you think?"

Yun Shu reached for her phone in her bag and handed it over to him. She watched as he tapped his fingers on her phone before handing it over to her.

"I've already put my number in your phone," Qi Zheng said. "Miss Yun, do you have a place to go? Otherwise, should I visit your home to meet your family?"

Her family...

That's right... She still has to talk to her mother and grandmother about this marriage.

Thinking of how she should explain this situation to her mother made her anxious.

She could only pray that her mother would not hit her with a broomstick when she brought this man back and introduce him as her husband.

"My family shouldn't be home at this time," Yun Shu said. "Just send me back to my place first. Let's meet up again in the evening."

Qi Zheng considered her idea and nodded. "That's fine too."

Since this would be his first time meeting his parents-in-law, he should book a proper restaurant and give them a good impression, right?