He Shouldn't be a Bad Person... Right?

After getting their certificate, Qi Zheng sent Yun Shu back to her place.

Seeing that her mother and grandmother had not returned home, Yun Shu finally let out a breath of relief.

She sat down on her bed and slumped her body on the mattress.

Yun Shu tried to recall what had happened a few days earlier and agreed that she must have gone crazy to marry someone she only met a few times.

But perhaps, she was stimulated enough to make such a decision.

Yun Shu knew that her grandmother meant well when she wanted her to settle down. Her father died early and her mother has been raising her ever since.

Back then, her grandmother had also urged her mother to find someone to share her life with. However, her mother was too stubborn.

Her mother loved her father too much. Perhaps, she was unable to move on.

The three of them were so used to not having a man in the house that her grandmother began to worry that she would be too independent.

Her grandmother only wanted her to have someone to share her life with and someone to look after in the future.

Qi Zheng's proposal came just in time.

Her grandmother was planning to arrange another blind date for her and then... she also encountered that scumbag, Qin Ji Ran.

Once upon a time, she was in love with this scumbag.

Qin Ji Ran always said that he did not feel needed whenever he was with her. This gave him an excuse to cheat. Later, they broke up and never crossed paths again until today. But that guy was still as shameless as ever.

It seemed that he had forgotten what he did to her

There was always that one thing that Qin Ji Ran had said to her that she always remembered.

He told her that she was too independent and that no one would marry her.

Yun Shu recalled some unhappy memory of her past relationship. Perhaps, it was because of that that she had agreed to Qi Zheng's request on an impulse.

Subconsciously, she wanted to prove to that scumbag that someone would marry her.

The first time she met Qi Zheng was at the hospital.

He was fierce, but she could also sense that he was someone who cared about his patients.

Someone like him definitely shouldn't be a bad person... right?

What made her feel more at ease was that Qi Zheng had told her that this would be a contractual marriage.

Both of them wanted to get married to make their grandparents get off their back and the arrangement seemed to be protecting them both from troublesome things.

Perhaps, she could consider this marriage as getting a roommate for a year, right?

Moreover... Qi Zheng was a doctor. His schedule should be busy. The number of times she would see him would be limited. They won't have that much interaction.

Yun Shu continued to lay down on the mattress while thinking of her decision.

Forget it.

Since she had made her decision, she should face everything bravely.

Just then, Yun Shu could hear her grandmother's voice outside her room.

Yun Shu sat up straight. Taking a deep breath, she went out to meet her grandmother to announce some news.

However, just as she stepped out of the room, Yun Shu found that her mother had returned as well.

The corner of her lips began to twitch.

Yun Shu was hoping that she could talk to her grandmother first before announcing the news to her mother. At least, she would have her grandmother's protection when her mother get angry later.

"Yun Shu, you're here." Her mother, Xu Yuan smiled. "I saw your car outside, but I did not think that you would be back so soon."

"Well, the event finished earlier than I thought," Yun Shu said. She let out a cough and asked, "Why are you two together?"

"I ran into your grandmother at the entrance." Xu Yuan glanced at her mother-in-law. Her gaze contained a hint of warning.

Yun Shu saw their exchange and could not help but wonder what was going on. However, before she had the chance to ask, her grandmother walked over to her side and held her hand.

"Yun Shu, come and sit with me." Yao Ying pulled her granddaughter over to the sofa. She pulled out her phone and smiled brightly. "Let me show you the photo of your blind date."

She should have known that this would happen.

Yun Shu let out a sigh and stopped her grandmother quickly. "Grandma, I don't think I can go to this blind date tomorrow."

"Ah?" Yao Ying looked at her granddaughter, shocked. "Don't be like this. How about you look at Old Cheng's grandson first? He's quite good-looking. He's very polite and is financially stable. Grandma thinks he should be your taste."

"Mom..." Xu Yuan heaved a sigh. "Stop asking Yun Shu to go on a blind date. She's already an adult. She will get married when the time comes. Moreover, her work is quite good at the moment. What's wrong with focusing on her career first?"

"You..." Yao Ying pointed her finger at her daughter-in-law. "Then, should I help you to set up a blind date instead?"

Xu Yuan zipped her lips immediately.

"My son has been dead for many years," Yao Ying continued. "When are you going to remarry? I think you're not short of a suitor yourself."

Xu Yuan shot her mother-in-law a warning gaze.

"Your daughter is now an adult. What other excuse do you have?" Yao Ying continued.

Yun Shu sat at the side, trying to minimize her presence.

"I told you that I would not mind. I told you not to worry about me. I still have my friends who will look after me," Yao Ying said. She then turned to her granddaughter. "What I'm worried about is how the two of you are going to live when I'm no longer around."

"Grandma, don't say that." Yun Shu held her grandmother's hand, trying to coax her. "You will live for a thousand years."

"A lot of people around my age are no longer around," Yao Ying said. "Soon, it should be my turn."

Yun Shu swallowed as she readied herself to listen to her grandmother's long talk. She glanced at her mother and saw her sending her a distress signal.

Actually, there was one way for her to stop her grandmother from talking too long.

Yun Shu cleared her throat and spoke, "Grandma, I have something to say."

Yao Ying looked at her granddaughter unhappily. She still had a lot to say to this mother and daughter.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight?" Yun Shu said. Before her grandmother would get furious, Yun Shu quickly continued. "I wanted to introduce you to someone. It's... a guy."

Instantly, the two women's gazes shifted.

Yao Ying's eyes lit up brightly.