Are You Pregnant?

Xu Yuan continued to look at the man in front of her for a long time.

She was still unhappy that her daughter had chosen to get a marriage certificate behind her back. Yun Shu was the only child she has. As the mother, Xu Yuan wanted nothing but the best for her.

Unlike her mother-in-law, Xu Yuan had never pressured her daughter to find a life partner.

In her opinion, her daughter could take all the time she wanted. Even if she decided not to get married, Xu Yuan would support her. It was better than marrying the wrong person and suffered.

But listening to Qi Zheng's words... Xu Yuan could tell that he was a sensible and mature person.

Still... she did not like their rush decision to get married.

After a while, she turned to her daughter again and asked in a grim voice, "Yun Shu, tell me the truth. Are you pregnant?"

Yun Shu looked at her mother in aghast. "Mom. No. I'm not."

She would never guess that her mother thought that the reason she had gotten a marriage certificate was because of this.

"Otherwise, why are you in a rush to get married?"

Yun Shu could not tell her mother that the reason she made this hasty decision was because of her grandmother as well as that scumbag, Qin Ji Ran.

"Mom, I have thought things through," Yun Shu spoke. "Qi Zheng is right. The period of knowing someone had little to do with a happy marriage. Some people know each other for a long time but later realized that they cannot understand their partner's true nature. Getting married like this might sound like I am gambling with my life. But, I want to work hard with Qi Zheng for this marriage. I think, if it is with him, the two of us would be able to do it. Mom, I want to take my chance with him. I hope that you can trust my decision."

Xu Yuan gave her daughter a scrutinizing look. "You won't regret it?"

"I won't regret it." Yun Shu gave a resolute reply.

Even if she regrets it in the future, she would not complain. This was the decision she made and she has to be responsible for it.

Xu Yuan took a deep breath and leaned on her seat. "Very well. Since you have already made your decision, I will trust you this once."

Yun Shu heaved in relief when she heard her mother's words. She turned to her grandmother and saw her encouraging smile.

From the corner of his eyes, Qi Zheng was silently observing the woman beside him. Listening to her words made him realize that she had chosen the right person. Yun Shu might be a suitable person for him.

Just then, the waiter knocked on the door and asked Qi Zheng if they should be serving their meal. Instead of answering, he turned to the elders and asked for their opinion.

"You can serve now," Yao Ying spoke quickly. "I'm already starving. Let's just continue to chat while we eat."

The waitress left briefly before returning to a few others to serve the food.

"I'm not sure about your preferences," Qi Zheng spoke. "Therefore, I asked the kitchen to prepare their signature dishes. If you have something else to add, you can go ahead and order."

Yao Ying waved her hand. "No need. No need. This amount of food is enough. You have ordered too much."

Yun Shu stared at the food served on the table helplessly. Each and every dish looked very appetizing. However, she could also tell that the bill would be pretty expensive.

Thinking of the number in her bank account makes her want to cry.

With Yao Ying's presence, the atmosphere was not so awkward. Qi Zheng served the elders some tea and recommended they try a few dishes.

Yun Shu watched as he helped to peel a prawn skilfully for her and thought that this man was not only good at talking. He was also very good at acting.

After watching him for a while, Xu Yuan's attitude towards him changed slowly.

The boy seemed polite and know how to treat her daughter well. However, Xu yuan planned to continue and watch him for a while longer.

Yun Shu's phone rang as they were still having a meal. Seeing that it was a call from her boss, Yun Shu excused herself and left the room.

The room turned quiet again after a while.

Xu Yuan put down the chopsticks in her hand before looking at Qi Zheng. "How did the two of you meet?"

Qi Zheng recalled Yun Shu's reminder to him earlier and answered according to what she had told him. He repeated the story to both Xu Yuan and Yao Ying. "But, it was only after I ran into Yun Shu at the market again that our relationship had begun. I saw that she had such a good relationship with Grandma and thought that she should be a kind and patient person."

Yao Ying was mostly satisfied with this answer. She liked to think that she played a big part in matchmaking her granddaughter with Qi Zheng.

Of course, Qi Zheng was telling them the truth.

When he saw how Yun Shu had a good relationship with her grandmother, he thought that she should be able to handle the elders in his family well. His grandfather will especially like someone like her.

"You said that you were Yun Shu's attending doctor?" Yao Ying asked.

"Yes. Currently, I am working at the Y City Hospital."

Yao Ying and Xu Yuan exchanged a look. They both did not expect that their this son-in-law would be a doctor.

"How about your family? Do they agree with this marriage as well?" Xu Yuan spoke. "Let me just be honest with you... Yun Shu is my only child and the only descendant of this family. Our family might not have any power, but I can assure you that if you bullied my daughter, I will not hesitate to fight you.

His gaze turned softer. Qi Zheng could see that Yun Shu was well-loved in her family.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this. I promise you that Yun Shu will not be bullied," Qi Zheng said. "My parents did not have many requirements regarding their daughter-in-law. As long as she can get along with me well, they will not object to it."

"Then, we should set a meeting with your elders," Yao Ying spoke. "Since you have married our Yun Shu, we should be meeting to discuss your wedding."

Qi Zheng smiled. "Grandma, I will set up a date for you to meet them soon."