Grandfather is Very Angry

As dinner ended Yun Shu was about to pay for their meals when Qi Zheng told her that he had settled the bills.

Yun Shu stared at him in surprise. Then, she quickly recovered and suggested, "Otherwise, why don't we split the bills? Eating at this restaurant should be expensive, right?"

Qi Zheng looked at the girl in front of him, feeling slightly amused. It was rare to hear that someone would worry about his financial situation. And then, he recalled that Yun Shu only know him as a doctor and nothing else.

With a doctor's salary, it would indeed hurt his wallet to dine at this restaurant.

"It's fine," Qi Zheng said. "This restaurant belonged to a friend. I got a special discount. So, it wasn't anything expensive."

Yun Shu watched him in disbelief. However, since Qi Zheng had insisted that way, Yun Shu decided not to fight him.

From the corner of her eyes, Yun Shu saw that her mother was helping her grandmother out of the private room. Yun Shu was about to head over to their side when Qi Zheng spoke again.

"Will you be free tomorrow?"

Her steps halted and Yun Shu stared back at the man in confusion.

"I wanted to introduce you to my family."

Qi Zheng had already met Yun Shu's elders. Now, she should be meeting his elders and impressing them. After all, the reason they both chose to get married was to stop the elders from worrying about their singlehood.

Thinking of meeting Qi Zheng's parents made her anxious.

As a wedding planner, Yun Shu had seen quite a number of brides who did not get along with their mother-in-law so well.

But no that she had married Qi Zheng, this was something that she had to face. Even if her mother-in-law might not like her, she will have to bear with it until the period of their contract marriage ended.

"Tomorrow... I should be able to come."

Qi Zheng nodded. "Then, I will pick you up tomorrow. Lunch? Is that alright?"

"Of course." Her heart was trembling with anxiety. But Yun Shu could only pretend that she was not affected by it.

Seeing that her mother and grandmother approached, the two of them decided to stop discussing their plan.

Yao Ying had a happy smile on her face when she looked at the couple. From afar, she could see them standing too close, whispering. The scene gave the feeling that the couple had a good relationship.

"What are you talking about?" Yao Ying shifted her gaze between Yun Shu and Qi Zheng.

Qi Zheng had a polite smile on his face. "Grandma, I was just asking Yun Shu if she is free tomorrow to meet my parents. Now that we have gotten a certificate, I wanted to introduce her as my wife."

"That's good. That's good." Yao Ying turned to her daughter-in-law and patted her hand. "Xu Yuan, Yun Shu will be meeting her in-laws tomorrow. You have to help her prepare some gifts."

"Grandma, it's not necessary," Qi Zheng spoke quickly. "I already prepared everything. Yun Shu just needs to show up. My elders would be happy with her presence alone."

Yao Ying laughed happily. She was very satisfied with this sensible grandson-in-law.

Qi Zheng sent Yun Shu and her elders to her car and watched her drive away.

Then, he turned around and made his way to return to his parent's house.

An hour ago, his mother texted him, telling him to return home as his grandfather was waiting for him. Qi Zheng knew that his grandfather was going to ask him about his blind dates.

Qi Zheng took a deep breath as he pulled over in front of the house. He adjusted his clothes before walking into the house.

As soon as he walked in, his mother gave him a lookover before looking at him with worry. "You're back."

"Uh-huh." Qi Zheng nodded. "Mom, where is my grandfather?"

"He's in the study with your dad," Feng Jia Li answered. She hesitated for a few seconds before deciding that she should be warning her son. "Ah Zheng, your grandfather is very angry. He heard that you left halfway through the blind date. You... Why did you leave so suddenly? You know very well that your grandfather is going to get upset."

Qi Zheng's expression remained calm. He had already expected this to happen.

The people who organized the blind date were friends with his grandfather. It shouldn't be hard for him to figure out what had happened.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. I know what I am doing."

Feng Jia Li heaved a sigh. No matter what, Qi Zheng is her son. How can she not worry about him?

However, her father-in-law was indeed terrifying. Fortunately, he was someone who would only be hard on men. As her daughter-in-law, that man had never made things difficult for her.

"You should go and find your grandfather quickly," Feng Jia Li said. "Go and explain to him what happened. As long as you coax him a little bit, he should not be that angry."

His lips turned into a smile. "Mom. I know." He was about to walk to his father's study when he recalled something. "Mom, you should come with me as well. There's something that I wanted to tell everyone."

Feng Jia Li watched her son turn around before following him.

When he arrived in front of the study, Qi Zheng knocked on the door and entered the moment he heard his grandfather's voice.

However, just as he had pushed the door, a book flew in his direction.

Qi Zheng should be able to evade this book well. However, since his mother was with him, he could only stay still and let the book hit him on his chest.

"You brat!" His grandfather's voice roared throughout the house. "I told you to attend the blind date and get to know people! But what did you do? You left halfway through the event?"

At the side, Qi Zheng's father was trying to help calm the old man. However, it was clear that the old man would not listen to him.

"Qi Zheng!" Feng Jia Li saw the book at her son's feet and understood what happened. "Are you alright?"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was around, Qi Xi Feng could only try to hold his temper. He looked at his grandson again and spoke, "Qi Zheng, you better explain why did you leave the event!"