The Scumbag

"Miss Yun, do you think these flowers are alright?"

The florist's voice snapped out of her trance. Yun Shu turned around and saw that the florist was holding some flowers sample in her hand. Yang Ran looked at the flowers and nodded. "It's alright. Let me take a picture of them first and consult the client ."

The two of them discussed the flower arrangement briefly.

Knowing that Qi Zheng was looking for her, Yun Shu gathered her things and decided to wait for him outside the shop so that it would be easier for him to spot her.

As she waited on the sidewalk, Yun Shu took out her phone and began to answer a few emails.

Just then, a shadow loomed over her, blocking the light.

Yun Shu raised her head and paused. She had thought that Qi Zheng had arrived, but the person who stood before her was no other than the scumbag, Qin Ji Ran.

She began to think that her luck was pretty bad.

If she had known that she would run into this scumbag here, she would have waited for Qi Zheng in the shop.

"Yun Shu, it's good to see you here," Qin Ji Ran spoke.

Seeing the smile on his face made her shiver. Yun Shu could not help but feel that Qin Ji Ran was up to no good.

Yun Shu quickly took a step back. Her expression was wary. "What do you want?"

The last time they met, Qin Ji Ran was almost banned from the club because of Yun Shu. He merely came to her to ask for help, but the girl had caused him so much trouble.

Thinking of how he was scolded by his parents because of that episode, made him so mad.

However, Qin Ji Ran continued to put on a smile on his face. He wanted something and he knew that Yun Shu would be the perfect person to help him.

"Listen. I won't get mad at you for calling the security on me."

Yun Shu shot him a perplexed look.

She remembered threatening to call security. However, she did not take any action after Qin Ji Ran had escaped. If the security still came for him, then, it must be because this man was trying to sneak into the club again.

"How about this?" Qin Ji Ran leaned forward. "I will forget everything if you promise to help me. Yun Shu, it seemed that you have some connections with the Gao family, huh? Why don't you introduce me to them?"

Her brow furrowed. "Introduce you as what? The scumbag?"

The smile on Qin Ji Ran's face stiffened. However, he quickly calmed down. "Don't be like this. I know that we had broken up, but aren't we still good friends?"

Yang Ran wanted to curse this man. Who wanted to be good friends with a person like him?

"Look, if I become successful, I promise that I will treat you right." He pursed his lips as if thinking of something. "Of course, it is impossible for us to get back together."

Her eyes widened in shock. Yun Shu did not expect that this scumbag would be this shameless!

"I'm not helping. Qin Ji Ran, we already broke up years ago. Why don't you leave me alone?" Yun Shu turned around, wanting to get farther from Qin Ji Ran before she would lose her mind.

However, before she could get farther, Qin Ji Ran grabbed her wrist and forced her to turn around. The impact caused her face to bump into the man's chest. Then, her bag fell on the pavement.

Yun Shu stared at her slightly cracked phone screen and wondered if the phone was still alright. There were too many important contact and information inside. It would be troublesome if her phone broke.

She raised her head before swinging her legs to kick at Qin Ji Ran's knee. "You bastard! Let go of me!"

Qin Ji Ran yelped in pain. He released Yun Shu's hand to rub his painful knee.

Seeing that the woman was crouched down to pick up her belongings made his heart burn with anger. Qin Ji Ran walked over to Yun Shu again and grabbed her arms. He pinched her hard, forcing her to stand up again.

"I was asking you nicely, why do you have to result to violence?" Qin Ji Ran narrowed his eyes when he saw Yun Shu's pained look. "See, this is why no one will like you. No one likes a violent woman."

Yun Shu gritted her teeth as the pain was too much.

"What are you doing? Let her go!"

The angry voice startled Qin Ji Ran so much that he quickly let go.

Turning around, they both saw a middle-aged man, staring at Qin Ji Ran angrily.

"Miss..." The middle-aged man turned to Yun Shu. "Are you hurt?"

Yun Shu shook her head. Without bothering to gather her stuff, she ran over to hide behind the middle-aged man.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ji Ran shot a displeased look at the man. "This is a couple's quarrel. Old man, you don't have to get involved in it."

Yun Shu muttered some cursing words. "We broke up years ago and you are about to marry another person."

Qin Ji Ran shot a look at Yun Shu, threatening her to shut up.

Seeing this, Yun Shu continued to hide behind the middle-aged man again. "Uncle, don't listen to this person. I don't have anything to do with him."

The man's face changed. He turned to Qin Ji Ran with a dark look on his face. "You better leave before I call the police."

Qin Ji Ran chuckled. Without thinking, he lunged forward, wanting to punch the man. However, before he could hit him, the man quickly blocked his attack.

In just seconds, Qin Ji Ran's hands were pulled behind his back, causing him to scream in pain. "It hurts! Let go! Let go!"

The man finally let him go and pushed him aside.

Qin Ji Ran looked at the older man with fear in his eyes. Then, he ran away quickly, fearing that the man would beat him up.

"Are you alright?"

Yun Shu raised her head and saw that the uncle was looking at her with concern.

"I'm fine." Yun Shu flashed a smile. "Uncle, thank you for helping me."

The man glanced at her shoulder and spoke. "You probably should go to the hospital to get a check-up."

Yun Shu tried to move her shoulder, wanting to show that she was alright. However, the pain became too much for her and her face contorted in pain.

"Don't force yourself too much. Just take it slowly," the man spoke.

"Yun Shu."

The familiar voice came behind her. Yun Shu turned around and saw that Qi Zheng was walking in her direction.

Qi Zheng noticed the purse on the sidewalk and Yun Shu's messy hair. "What happened?"

"Uncle, my friend is here," Yun Shu spoke when she noticed the guarded look on the man's face.

Hearing her words, the man's expression gradually loosened.

The man turned to Qi Zheng and greeted him. "Hello." He looked at Yun Shu again and spoke, "Since your friend is here, then, I will go first."

"Uncle, thank you again for helping me."

The middle-aged man gave her a nod before he turned away and left.