Shoulder Injury

Qi Zheng continued to look at the older man with a slight frown on his face. Once the man's figure could no longer be seen, he then turned to Yun Shu again and asked, "Do you know him?"

Yun Shu shook her head. "No. Something happened earlier and that Uncle came to help."

The frown on his face deepened. "What happened?"

"Nothing much." Yun Shu lowered her gaze. "Just met a troublesome acquaintance."

Sensing that the girl did not seem to want to talk about it, Qi Zheng decided not to ask. His gaze shifted to the direction where that older man had gone to.

Qi Zheng could not help but feel that the older man was a bit familiar...

His gaze fell on the scattered items on the floor. Qi Zheng quickly picked them up and shoved them into her purse.

By the time Yun Shu could react, the man had already stood up again.

"This is yours?" Qi Zheng handed over her items.

"Thank you." Yun Shu was flustered. She stretched her arms, wanting to take the bag away from him. However, the moment she moved, Yun Shu started to wince from the pain around her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Qi Zheng was quick to notice her reaction.

"My shoulder..."

Before she could finish her words, Qi Zheng had already moved quickly to check on her shoulder. His brow furrowed when he heard her hiss. "Is it painful?"

Yun Shu gritted her teeth. It was too painful that she wanted to cry.

That scumbag Qin Ji Ran! The next time she saw him, she would definitely get back to him.

Qi Zheng began to touch her shoulder again. After a while, he then spoke again. "Come with me. You should get your shoulder treated."

Yun Shu hesitated.

"Don't delay the treatment," Qi Zheng spoke. "Otherwise, it might get worst." Without waiting for her reply, Qi Zheng had already grabbed her purse away and turned around.

Yun Shu had no other choice but to follow him back to his car.

As Qi Zeng was focusing on his driving, Yun Shu glanced at her painful shoulder again. Then, she looked out the window and wondered if the man was driving her to the hospital.

Her shoulder injury shouldn't be too serious, right?

Yun Shu began to curse Qin Ji Ran in her heart again.

"Are we going to the hospital?" Yun Shu asked as he looked at Qi Zheng cautiously.

"No. Back to the apartment," Qi Zheng said. "Fortunately, your injury did not seem very serious. It should be better after a cold compress. But, I'll have to look at it again."

"The apartment?" Yun Shu blinked.

"My apartment."

Yun Shu stared back at him in surprise. She wanted to tell him to send her back to her house. As for her shoulder, she could always let her grandmother look at it.

However, seeing the serious look on his face reminded her of her meeting with him at the hospital not too long ago.

Afraid that she would be scolded again, Yun Shu decided not to say a word.

After a while, Yun Shu finally recalled that Qi Zheng had called to meet her. She glanced at the ma again and hesitated for a few seconds. "You... You said that you have something to give me?" Yun Shu could still remember the man's hurried tone on the phone.

"That's right. I wanted to give you the apartment pass." He glanced at Yun Shu and spoke again, "Aren't you moving in with me tomorrow?"

Yun Shu stiffened. Thinking of moving in with him made her feel a little uncomfortable. Although they have agreed to pretend to be roommates, it would still feel strange to live with another man.

However, this was what she had to do. After all, Qi Zheng had legally become her husband. It would be illogical for them to stay apart, especially since they were newlyweds.

"It was suddenly decided that I'm going to lead an important surgery tomorrow," Qi Zheng said. "I don't know how long the surgery will last, but I don't think that I can welcome you at home. It will be convenient for you to have the pass."

Yun Shu thought that it was good that Qi Zheng would not be around when she moved in tomorrow.

Her mother and grandmother had told her that they wanted to go to Qi Zheng's apartment as well. Thinking of playing as a couple in front of them would make her uncomfortable anyway.

"This is good too. I can give you a look around the place when we get there," Qi Zheng said.

After driving for almost half an hour, Qi Zheng finally pulled over in a parking spot.

The luxury apartment was quite close to the hospital. As they arrived, Yun Shu could not stop herself from looking around.

If she did never met his family, she would be too shocked to see him living in a place such as this. She could already imagine that the rent price here would not be cheap.

Splitting rent with Qi Zheng would still cost her a lot of money.

Qi Zheng gave her a pass card for her to access the apartment building for her convenience. He explained a few things about the apartment building as they rode the elevator to reach his floor.

Qi Zheng ushered her in and let her sit in the living room as he headed to the kitchen.

Once the man had disappeared, Yun Shu began to look around the place.

His apartment was very simple with minimal furniture around. For example, in his living room, there was only a two-seater, a television, and a small coffee table.

The place seemed very cold to her eyes.

At one glance, she could tell that he did not spend a lot of time in his apartment. This place was just a place where he would return to sleep.

A few minutes later, Qi Zheng returned to her side with a tray in his hand. He put the items on the coffee table before looking at Yun Shu again. "Let me look at your shoulder again."