Household Expenses

Yun Shu froze when Qi Zheng's gaze turned to her.

She was worried that Qi Zheng would be upset that she had followed his mother to visit him at the hospital and felt a bit guilty that she had failed to give him a heads-up.

Moreover, his mother introduced her as his wife to one of his co-workers. Yun Shu did not know whether this would affect Qi Zheng at the hospital in any way.

"Sorry that I couldn't be at home to help you with moving," Qi Zheng spoke. His brow furrowed as he thought of something. "How is your shoulder? Is it still hurting?"

"It's fine. It did not hurt as much as now," Yun Shu said.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Feng Jia Li stared at her daughter-in-law with worry. From her son's words, it sounded like Yun Shu was injured.

"It's nothing."

"How can it be nothing?" Feng Jia Li looked at her son. "Son, quickly take a look at Yun Shu's injury."

Yun Shu quickly stopped her mother-in-law. "Mom, it's alright. Qi Zheng had looked at them yesterday and helped me to apply some medicine on my shoulder."

Feng Jia Li turned to her son again, hoping that he will help her to explain the injury.

"Mom, It's fine. Her shoulder is slightly bruised. It will disappear after a few days," Qi Zheng said.

Feng Jia Li looked at Yun Shu. Seeing that she does not seem to be in pain, Feng Jia Li was more at ease. "Yun Shu, you have to be more careful. How did you get your shoulder injured anyway?"

"Mmm... I wasn't careful and had stumbled into someone while at work."

"At work?" Feng Jia Li was in disbelief. "Working as a wedding planner could also give you an injury?"

Yun Shu smiled, knowing that some people would think that being a wedding consultant was an easy job. Many think that planning an event should not be too difficult.

They were probably right. But the most difficult thing about planning a wedding was dealing with her people. The clients, clients' friends and family, the florist, the caterer...

There were just too many to list.

Yun Shu always thought that working as a wedding consultant could be dangerous as well.

The last time, didn't she sprain her ankle after she tried to stop that wedding crasher from making a scene?

There was also that one case where her colleague was almost killed from being crushed by the groom.

It was a beach wedding.

The groom thought that it would be a good idea to show up at the venue in a parachute. Somehow, he lost control and almost crushed her colleague.

Feng Jia Li continued to look at her daughter-in-law with worry.

"Mom, have a seat first," Qi Zheng spoke as he motioned towards the chair.

"Ah. Sure..." Feng Jia Li was about to take a seat when she suddenly remembered something else. "That's right. I almost forgot." She walked over to take the food container she brought earlier and continued, "Ah Zheng, I'm sure that you haven't eaten yet. Mom brought you some food. Let me head over to the pantry and help you to reheat the food. You stay here with Yun Shu."

Feng Jia Li left the room with the food container without letting them reply.

The door was closed and suddenly, the atmosphere turned silent.

Yun Shu glanced at Qi Zheng, feeling a little awkward to be left alone with him in this room.

"Just sit down first," Qi Zheng spoke. "Sit anywhere you want."

Yun Shu glanced at the chair farther than Qi Zheng and took a seat. She glanced at Qi Zheng who was sitting behind his desk and hesitated for a while. "That..."

Qi Zheng raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

"I'm sorry. I did not expect that your mother would bring me over," Yun Shu said. "Earlier, she introduced me to your colleague as your wife. I hope that it would not bring you trouble."

"It's fine. I don't mind it," Qi Zheng said. "Anyway, this would also save some trouble for me."

He knew that there were a few of his colleagues who were interested in him. However, he did not want to entangle with them, knowing that their relationship would not last that long anyway.

If they knew that he was already married, the others would stop pestering him around, right?

Yun Shu wondered just what kind of trouble Qi Zheng was referring to. Although she was curious, she decided not to be a busybody.

"You did not have any problem with moving, right?" Qi Zheng asked.

"No. I only brought over some items with me," Yun Shu spoke.

Qi Zheng did not make any comments regarding this matter. He glanced at his computer and spoke, "I will be working the night shift today. When you return home, don't forget to lock the door."

"Oh." Yun Shu nodded.

"Yun Shu, will you be working tomorrow?" Qi Zheng spoke. He watched as Yun Shu nodded and continued, "Then, we will probably miss each other. I will only come back in the morning."

Yun Shu felt more at ease, knowing that Qi Zheng would not be at home on her first day staying at his apartment. They were husband and wife in name and she had to admit that she was feeling anxious about living under the same roof with a strange man.

"That's right." Qi Zheng pulled out his wallet and took out a card. "Here. Take this."

Yun Shu stretched her hand to take the card. However, a few seconds later, her movement halted again when she realized that Qi Zheng was holding a bank card.

"This..." Yun Shu retracted her hand. "What is this for?"

"Since you are married to me, of course, I have to be responsible for the household," Qi Zheng said. "You can use this card to buy your necessities."

Yun Shu stared at him in a daze. "No. You don't have to do this. In fact, I should be paying you some rent for living at your place."

Qi Zheng chuckled. "There's no need. After all, it was me who asked you to help me in the first place. Yun Shu, For as long as you are married to me, I will continue to be responsible for our household expenses. Just tell me if it is not enough."