Chicken Porridge

After staying at the hospital and accompanying Qi Zheng to eat his meal, Yun Shu finally left the hospital. Her mother-in-law dropped her over at the apartment before she left.

As she arrived, Yun Shu went straight to her room and sat on her bed. She slammed her body on the mattress and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling on top of her.

She grabbed her purse at the side and pulled out the card that Qi Zheng had given her earlier.

This was the first time that she had held a black card in her hand. If she was not mistaken, this was the card where one would have unlimited spending.

Now that the card was in her hand, Yun Shu could not deny that she was feeling a little scared.

The two of them met not too long ago and they don't know each other well. How can he just give her his card? Did Qi Zheng trust her that much?

Wasn't he afraid that she was going to swipe his card like crazy and buy a lot of things?

He even told her to ask more from him more if the money was not enough.

Was he crazy?

Just thinking of what she could purchase with this card made her scared. Yun Shu stood up again and decided to keep the card in her drawer. Perhaps, when they both got divorced, she could return this card to him.

Anyway, she had her money. It would be enough for her to buy some necessities.

A long sigh escaped her.

When Qi Zheng told her that they will be living together, Yun Shu was ready to think of it as if she was moving out and getting a housemate.

She was going to pay her rent and shared the responsibility together with Qi Zheng.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zheng would tell her that he would support her throughout this marriage. All she had to do was to stay with him and make sure that his family, especially his grandfather would be happy.

It was not a difficult job, but it seemed that she would benefit a lot through this fake marriage...

Closing her eyes, Yun Shu decided not to think too much about this matter.

Tomorrow, she still needed to go to the office and work. There are a lot of people she had to meet for the next wedding. Moreover, her boss said that she still need to help organize the blind date events.

Yun Shu turned around and headed to the bathroom to wash up. After doing her routine skin care, she then went to bed and slept.


The next morning, Yun Shu woke up upon hearing her alarm.

She turned off her alarm and stared at the unfamiliar surroundings around her. Yun Shu was not expecting that she would be able to sleep soundly in this new environment. But perhaps, she was just too tired after moving in.

After stretching her body, Yun Shu finally left her bed and headed to the bathroom. Once she got ready, Yun Shu headed to the kitchen first to prepare some breakfast.

Fortunately, her mother and grandmother bought a lot of ingredients for her yesterday.

As she was preparing some porridge, Yun Shu suddenly recalled what Qi Zheng had told her yesterday. His shift should be ending soon and he would return in a while, right?

Thinking of the black card that Qi Zheng had given her yesterday, Yun Shu decided to make some extra porridge for Qi Zheng as well.

He should be hungry when he returned home, right?

Since she could not pay her rent or bills, then perhaps she could help Qi Zheng with some chores. Cleaning up and preparing some food should not be anything difficult for her.

As the thought came to her mind, Yun Shu was in a good mood.

She had her breakfast and went back to her room to get her bag. Her gaze fell on the porridge on the stove again. She turned to her room and came out again with a piece of paper. After sticking the note on the refrigerator, Yun Shu finally left the apartment.


Qi Zheng returned to the house again two hours after Yun Shu had left for work. Yesterday has been quite hectic for him. He spent hours on an important surgery. Later, he stayed at the hospital for a night shift.

He had thought that he wanted to return to his apartment and get some sleep. However, he did not expect that once he came out, there would be terrible traffic. He was stuck in it for more than half an hour.

By now, he was already feeling slightly tired and irritated.

The moment he stepped into the apartment, Qi Zheng could not help but feel that there was something different. The cold air that always greeted him at the door was no longer around.

It was then that he recalled that Yun Shu had moved into his apartment yesterday. He closed the door behind him and looked around. The place looked just the same as the last time he left the house, but Qi Zheng could feel that the air was different.

He could smell the faint scent of Yun Shu's perfume.

Qi Zheng glanced at his watch and noted that his wife should already be at work at this time.

He threw his bag to the side and walked into the kitchen.

His brow creased upon seeing the flower on the dining table. Unexpectedly, looking at the flowers made the irritable feeling disappear.

Qi Zheng turned to the refrigerator, wanting to pour himself a glass of water. Then, his steps halted upon seeing the note stuck on it.

'There's some porridge on the stove. Don't forget to reheat them before you eat them. Yun Shu.'

After pondering about it for a while, Qi Zheng walked over to the stove and saw the small pot. He lifted the lid and the delicious aroma of the chicken porridge wafted to his nose.

Suddenly, his stomach started to growl. He remembered that the last meal he ate was the food that his mother had brought for him. Later, he was too busy that he had forgotten to eat.

Qi Zheng looked at the note again before he reheated the porridge.

Then, he walked over to the dining table with the porridge. His eyes lit up as he took a bite. Surprisingly, the porridge that Yun Shu had prepared suited his taste.