Long, Awkward Silence

Yun Shu came into the office and was greeted by some documents on the table. She spent a few hours discussing some weddings with her assistant before deciding to head out to meet some people to plan a wedding.

When she finally have time to breathe again, Yun Shu realized that it was time for her to clock out.

Fortunately, the tasks she had planned to do for the day were all completed.

Yun Shu thought about the upcoming wedding and had a headache. The bride's request was a little special and there were a lot of things for her to organize before the big day.

As she stepped out of the building, Yun Shu raised her head to look at the sky. On the west side, the sun was beginning to set.

Thinking of the place where she was going to return after this made her sigh.

She wondered just how her mother and grandmother would react if she suddenly showed up. Her grandmother might be a little crazy, but she loved her dearly.

She wondered if her mom was able to tolerate her grandmother's craziness without her around.

Yun Shu was missing them a lot.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Shu took a cab and headed to Qi Zheng's apartment.

Half an hour later, she stood in front of the door, wondering if the man would be inside at this time.

Qi Zheng should still be working, right?

Now that she thought about it, they had never talked about their work schedule.

She pushed the door open and saw that the surroundings were dark. A breath of relief escaped her, thinking that Qi Zheng was not at home.

Yun Shu really did not know just she was supposed to live with Qi Zheng under the same roof. Moreover, it's going to be for a year. She wonder if she was going to survive this living arrangement.

Yun Shu returned to her room and tossed her bag on the table. Then, she went into the bathroom for a quick shower.

When she came out again, Yun Shu headed to the kitchen and found that the note she left for Qi Zheng was no longer there.

The pot of porridge was no longer on the stove.

Subconsciously, a smile curled on her lips, thinking that Qi Zheng had eaten them.

As her stomach started to rumble, Yun Shu peeked into the refrigerator to look for some food. She took out a few ingredients and finally decided to make some noodles as it was quite convenient.

Yun Shu tied her hair into a high ponytail and started to work.

In just a few seconds, the aroma of the sauteed garlic and green onion filled the house.

While Yun Shu was concentrating on her cooking, the door to the master bedroom slowly opened and a figure stepped out.

Yesterday, Qi Zheng had an important surgery that took a lot of time and energy. Then, he had to stay for a night shift and had been busy with some emergency.

When he left the hospital, all he could think about was his bed.

Once he got home, he ate the porridge that Yun Shu had prepared. Then, he washed up and headed to bed. Qi Zheng must have been exhausted to sleep for the whole day.

Qi Zheng was still sleeping in his room when he was awakened by that delicious smell. He came out of his room with a dazed look on his face only to find that someone was standing in the kitchen.

This was the first time that he had seen such a scene.

It took him a while to recall that he was married and that his wife was living with him.

The smell of something delicious wafted around the house. From where he stood, Qi Zheng could hear Yun Shu humming a song.

Qi Zheng was stunned. He stood at the door while watching her cook for a long time, but the woman does not seem to realize his presence.

The noodles in the pot were nice and fragrant.

Yun Shu looked at her dinner and smiled. She turned around, wanting to reach for the bowl, and suddenly realized that someone was standing not too far from her.

She did a double take and yelped upon seeing Qi Zheng.

Yun Shu put a hand on her chest and heaved a sigh. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry." Qi Zheng walked over. "I did not mean to scare you."

The two of them were standing closer and suddenly, Yun Shu found that this situation was a bit awkward. She certainly did not expect to see Qi Zheng at the house.

"I did not know that you were at home," Yun Shu spoke. "I thought that you were working today."

Yesterday, Qi Zheng stayed at the hospital for a night shift. Yun Shu had thought that today would be the same.

"I'm on my break today," Qi Zheng spoke.

There was a long, awkward silence between them as both did not know what they wanted to say to each other.

All of the sudden, a growl came from Qi Zheng's stomach. The sound was loud enough for both of them to hear it.

Yun Shu looked up and met Qi Zheng's gaze. Suddenly, she could no longer hold her laughter. Yun Shu found that this situation was comical.

Noticing that Qi Zheng's expression had gone darker, Yun Shu put a hand on her mouth and bit back her laughter. She let out a cough and spoke, "I'm making some noodles for dinner. You... Would you like to have some?"

His stomach growled again.

At this time, Qi Zheng wanted to bury himself and never come out again.

He had not expected that his stomach would answer before he could speak.

Even if he wanted to decline her offer, Qi Zheng found that it would be too pretentious for him to do so. After all, his stomach had made some sound in Yun Shu's presence.

Qi Zheng lowered his gaze and spoke. "Sure."

A faint smile turned up on her lips. "Then, just give me a few minutes."