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Yun Shu turned around and started picking up some ingredients. Fortunately, she had taken out some ingredients a while ago. It was convenient for her to prepare another bowl for Qi Zheng.

Meanwhile, Qi Zheng sat in the dining room to watch as Yun Shu started to prepare some food.

This was the first time that he had a housemate and Qi Zheng was still trying to get used to living with Yun Shu.

Although he may appear nonchalant, Qi Zheng was after all, not very familiar with his wife and he did not know whether the two of them would be able to live together for a year.

Qi Zheng decided to trust his instinct that Yun Shu was a good person.

After waiting for a while, Yun Shu walked over with another bowl of noodles and placed it on the table before Qi Zheng.

The smell of something delicious wafted through his nose. Qi Zheng peeked into the bowl and was fascinated by the various color inside.

Yun Shu had only prepared a bowl of tomato and egg noodles, but the food looked so colorful with the red from the tomatoes, the golden yellow from the egg as well as the green from the sprinkled green onions. It looked so appetizing.

His throat bobbed. Qi Zheng could not wait to dig into his food.

A pair of chopsticks appeared in front of him. Qi Zheng took them from Yun Shu and smiled. "Thank you." Then, he motioned towards the chair across him and spoke, "Please, have a seat."

Yun Shu pushed the chair and sat down. She stirred the noodles in her bowl before glancing at Qi Zheng, who was taking a bite of the food.

Although she was hungry, Yun Shu was more interested to know Qi Zheng's reaction upon tasting her food. She watched as he chewed on the noodles and finally, the man looked up again.

"How is it?"

Qi Zheng licked at his lips and spoke, "It's delicious."

A faint smile curled on her lips. Yun Shi heaved a breath that she did not know she was holding. "Then, you should eat a little bit more."

Qi Zheng nodded. "Then, you should also eat your food before it gets cold."

The two of them lowered their head and started to eat. The dining room was filled with the sound of them slurping their noodles.

When Qi Zheng looked into the bowl again, he realized that he had already emptied the food. Such a simple dish, but it tasted so good that he finished everything quickly.

He put his chopsticks aside as he waited for Yun Shu continued to eat her food.

After a while, Yun Shu finally looked up. Noticing that Qi Zheng was looking at him made her feel a little awkward. Yun Shu wiped her mouth and spoke, "Are you still hungry?"

"No. It's fine."

Yun Shu stood up, wanting to clean up the table. However, Qi Zheng was quick to stretch his hand to stop her. "It's fine," Qi Zheng spoke. "You already cooked the noodles Let me clean up the dishes."

Hearing his words, Yun Shu quickly sat down again. She watched as Qi Zheng picked up the bowls and cutleries and hesitated.

Initially, she thought that Qi Zheng was not at home. But now that this man was here, perhaps, the two of them could take this chance to discuss something regarding their living arrangement as well.

Qi Zheng grabbed the towel at the side and wiped his hand dry. He turned around and saw that Yun Shu was still seated in the dining room and she was looking at him. "Do you... have something to talk to me about?"

"Hmm..." Yun Shu nodded. "Since you are here, we should take this chance to discuss our living arrangement. The previous time, we did not have time to properly talk about it."

"What do you want to talk about?" Qi Zheng asked. "Is this about our parents' meeting?"

"No." Yun Shu had a lot on her mind, but the moment Qi Zheng asked her the question, the thing she wanted to ask him had quickly forgotten. "That..." Yun Shu cleared her throat. "Did you eat all the porridge this morning?"

Qi Zheng halted. Then, he resumed wiping his hand before he finally nodded. "Yes. It was good. Thank you for the breakfast."

Her lips tilted into a smile. "That's good." She heaved a breath and finally recalled what she wanted to discuss with him about. Yun Shu cleared her throat and spoke, "Yesterday, you told me that I don't need to worry about the living expense while living in this house."

"Yes," Qi Zheng nodded. "It was my idea for us to get into this arrangement at the beginning."

"Even so, I don't feel comfortable letting you pay for everything."

Qi Zheng put the towel at the side and spoke, "Yun Shu, although our relationship was nothing but a fake, I intended to take my responsibility seriously. You can say that other than being intimate, I am going to act as a real husband. What I mean is that I will provide for you as long as we are married."

Her heart skipped a beat as she met Qi Zheng's eyes.

"You really don't have to worry about money," Qi Zheng said. "You have met my family. Although I am just a doctor, I don't lack of money."

Even with his assurance, Yun Shu was still uncomfortable. All she did was get a wedding certificate with him and act as if she was a loving couple with Qi Zheng in front of their family members.

Just by doing that, she will have her life taken care of... Yun Shu felt as if Qi Zheng was too generous and she was taking advantage of him.

"Then, is there something that I can do?" Yun Shu spoke. "I cannot do nothing. It felt as if I am taking advantage of you and I am not comfortable with that."

His brow furrowed. Qi Zheng had never thought that Yun Shu would just agree with his arrangement. Yesterday, Yun Shu did not say anything much when she left the hospital with his mother. He had thought that she did not mind the arrangement.

But perhaps, she only stayed silent because his mother was still around and she did not want to arouse any suspicion.

"Then, what do you want to do?" Qi Zheng asked. "Whatever it is, I won't let you take out your money."

Yun Shu lowered her head as she considered this problem. "Then, let me do the housework and cook for you. Since you don't want to take my money, at least, you can let me contribute something to this household, right?"

Qi Zheng pondered over her words and thought about the food that she had prepared for him. "Then, I will put my schedule on the refrigerator. This way, you will know whether I would be home or not."

Yun Shu looked at Qi Zheng in surprise. She had thought that the man was going to reject her suggestion. Surprisingly, he was not a difficult person to talk to.