Fortunately, There is Qi Zheng

Yun Shu glanced at the clock and frowned.

Previously, her grandmother told them that her mother was already on her way home. Yun Shu thought that her mother would be home when she and Qi Zheng go back from shopping for groceries. She did not expect that her mother has still not come back at this time.

Yun Shu found her phone in her purse and made a call to her mother. A few seconds passed and her brow furrowed when her mother did not pick up her phone call.

Just as the call was about to enter the voicemail, her mother finally picked up her call.

"Yun Shu?" Her mother's voice sounded anxious on the other line.

However, hearing her mother's voice made Yun Shu feel at ease. She was worried that her mother might encounter an accident outside.

"En. Mom, Grandma said that you are on your way home," Yun Shu spoke. "Are you still driving? When will you be home?"