That's My Mother

After driving around for a while, Qi Zheng finally found his mother-in-law's vehicle at the side of the road. She was parked in front of RC Bank which she had mentioned during their phone call.

Qi Zheng found a safe place to park and walked over to his mother-in-law's vehicle. As he approached the car, Qi Zheng could not help but notice that there was a middle-aged man lingering around his mother-in-law's vehicle.

The man was seen speaking to his mother-in-law through a small gap of her window.

He did not know what did the two of them were talking about, but he could see that the man was not friendly.

As he come closer, Qi Zheng overheard the man telling his mother-in-law that he came to help. When his mother-in-law rejected his help, the man tried to pull open her door a few times. But fortunately, his mother-in-law had locked the door.

Qi Zheng picked up his pace and arrived. He looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"