More Like a Couple

Qi Zheng pulled over into a parking spot and turned to Yun Shu. "Do you want to come with me?"

She looked out the window before nodding enthusiastically. It was not easy for her to go out with Qi Zheng. Yun Shu thought that perhaps, she could use this chance to get close to Qi Zheng.

Just like Wen Ru Qing told her... She should try to get closer to Qi Zheng slowly so that he will always think about her. Perhaps then, their relationship would start to change.

Yun Shu grabbed her purse and followed Qi Zheng out. The two walked along the street side by side as they headed to the pastry shop.

It was the weekend. There were a lot of people on the street and many of them came out in pairs or in a group.

Because of that, Yun Shu had to step away a few times to avoid colliding with others. Soon, her distance from Qi Zheng became farther.