Caught Her Staring

Qi Zheng exchanged a few words with the parents. After checking that the little boy was in a good health, he took the pastries he bought and left the shop with Yun Shu.

The two of them walked along the streets together, heading to the parking spot. Seeing that the crowd on the street, Qi Zheng did not forget to hold Yun Shu's hand as they walked.

After a while, Qi Zheng turned to look at Yun Shu and caught her staring at him. There was a hint of surprise in his expression. "Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

Yun Shu shook her head and retracted her gaze. "No. I just thought about what happened in the shop earlier." She let out a cough as the image replayed in her mind.

It was an intense moment, but Yun Shu thought that Qi Zheng was very good-looking when he was helping the baby.

However, this was not something that she dared to say out loud.