Who is This Pretty Sister?

After an hour three dishes and one soup were served on the table.

The food that Yun Shu made was quite simple and the most difficult one should be the braised spare ribs. Therefore, it did not take a long time for her to prepare the food.

The couple ate dinner that Yun Shu had prepared.

Qi Zheng thought that the spare ribs that Yun Shu had made tasted especially delicious.

After resting for a while, Yun Shu changed her clothes again and came out to meet Qi Zheng in the living room.

Her cheek turned warmer upon seeing that Qi Zheng was looking at her. Yun Shu lowered her gaze to look at her outfit and asked, "Is this suitable?"

Qi Zheng shifted his gaze away before he nodded. "It's suitable." He turned around and spoke, "Come on. We should go now."

Yun Shu grabbed her purse and followed Qi Zheng out. They took his car and she sat in the passenger's seat.