The Game Started

Qi Zheng finally heaved a sigh of relief when the little girl had run out to find her father. He was a little worried that Zhang Li Xue was going to continue asking questions that he could not answer. He glanced at Yun Shu and noted that she was looking at him. Qi Zheng let out a cough and spoke, "Come on. Let's go out and meet the others."

Yun Shu nodded. Then, she followed Qi Zheng out the door and arrived at a small garden. It was nighttime, but the surrounding was lit up with the light outside, allowing them to look at the trees and flowers around.

Not too far away was a basketball court. From the door, they could already see that there was a group of people gathering around.

The sound of the basketball bouncing against the floor was loud.

Qi Zheng led Yun Shu to the basketball court. Just as they were approaching closer, the chattering voices stopped and the group of people were looking at Qi Zheng and Yun Shu.