Thinking about Yun Shu

Yun Shu climbed onto the bed and pulled the blanket to cover her head.

Then, she took a few deep breaths to calm down. Her eyes were tightly shut, but Yun Shu was having trouble falling asleep.

Thinking that she was going to share the bed with Qi Zheng again made her anxious.

By this time, Yun Shu thought that Qi Zheng was someone who she could trust. After all, the two of them have been living under the same roof for a few months. Still, Qi Zheng had never taken advantage of her.

The sound of water stopped. Then, a couple of minutes later, the bathroom door was pushed open as Yun Shu was sorting out her thoughts. Although her body was buried under the blanket, Yun Shu could still sense Qi Zheng's movement.

Judging from his footsteps, Yun Shu could sense that Qi Zheng was walking away from the bed.

Then, she could hear the zip from his beg and a rustling sound, as if he was looking for something.