What are You Thinking?

Everyone in the Feng family had a friendly attitude toward Yun Shu and the atmosphere in the dining room was warm and lively.

However, not everyone in the family shared the same attitude.

As one of the people who knew the truth about Qi Zheng and Yun Shu's relationship, Feng An Yu could not think of Yun Shu as a good person. After all, Yun Shu did not know Qi Zheng for too long before she decided to agree to the marriage. This matter made him suspicious of Yun Shu. He could not understand Yun Shu's intention.

Although most of their friends thought that Yun Shu was not a bad person, Feng An Yu could not share the same opinion.

He was Qi Zheng's cousin and was close to him. In the past, there were many girls who wanted to approach Qi Zheng because of his identity.

Feng An Yu thought that Yun Shu's reason for marrying Qi Zheng should not be different.