Not Going to Let Her Go

Her heart was pounding fast.

Yun Shu knew what Qi Zheng was asking and this question made her a little flustered.

It was just that... weren't they discussing the possibility of her getting a younger sibling? Why did the topic change to her child?

Yun Shu wanted to look away, but Qi Zheng's gaze was too intense and she was unable to escape. And his hand on her arm... why does it feel as if this person was trying to seduce her again?

It seemed that, until she gave him her answer, Qi Zheng was not going to let her go.

"It's not that I don't want to." Yun Shu did not miss the glint in Qi Zheng's eyes when he heard her answer. "But, having a child is a big responsibility. I think we should sit down and talk about it first."

Qi Zheng stared at his wife for a long time. After a while, his lips slowly turned to a smile. "You are right. Let's talk about this slowly."