
From early morning, Qi Zheng has been busying himself with his work. An important surgery was scheduled and he spent long hours working in the operation theatre.

When QI Zheng came out of the operation theatre again, it was already passed lunch hour.

Qi Zheng dragged his tired body into the bathroom to take a shower. He was about to return to his office when Nurse Tian stopped him in his track.

"Doctor Qi, Professor Huang was looking for you earlier," Nurse Tian spoke. "I told him that you were in surgery and he said that he wanted you to find him in his office before you clock out."

Qi Zheng nodded. "I know. Thank you, Nurse Tian."

"There is something else," Nurse Tian spoke before Qi Zheng could leave. "Your wife stopped by a while ago. However, she only stopped by to deliver you some lunch before she go back. I think you can find your lunch in your office."