Elena Gomez

"Gring! Gring!". The sound of the alarm clock of table echoed all over the room while a moving figure could be seen rolling under duvet.

"Elena!". He loud voice came from the outside and the door pulled open revealing a woman, that was Mrs. Gomez, the wife of the most popular Detective in the City, she was in her early 30s but looked pretty young.

She laid hold on the duvet and pulled it off to see Elena who was wriggling her legs lazily.

"C'mon Elena, what the hell are you still doing here?".

"Mom, I don't feel like going to school today".

"What?, You've missed school for two days already, are you adding a weak to your just ended summer break?".

"I think so Mom, I don't want to go to school".

"Seriously?, you spent your break indoor and so there was nothing to stress you out, I give you ten minutes to freshen up and get down stairs, I'm late for work already, your Dad will drop you at school".

She left immediately while Elena rolled out off the bed with her hairs covering her face.

"Damn!". She cursed and raised her hair revealing her beautiful eyes.

Mrs. Gomez raced down the stairs to see her husband on the phone with someone.

"I got this case Captain, I'll be scene in few minutes times...".

She watched him pause for a while and turned to see her.

"No, I couldn't do much work on it over the night, I'll investigate it thoroughly this morning, alright".

He disconnects the call and dropped the poco m3 device on the table.

That was Mr. Gomez, a prominent Detective who helped to solve homicide cases at the Stardom City Police Department, he was a well respected person due to his diligence and hard work.

"Hey" He began.

"Um.. I'm late already, so can you drop Elena at school?".

"I should be at a crime scene right now". He replied.

"I need to join the forensic team in the autopsy of a body that the SCPD needs report on" She told.

"The man with a ripped throat?". He inquired with eyes opened.

"Yes, he was brought in last night, how did you know?".

"That is the crime scene I visited last night, he was the victim and I asked for an autopsy report from the hospital"

"Oh, I guess we'll become close partners pretty soon"

"We are, C'mon go do your thing, I need that report".


"I'll take care of it, I'll drop her off"

"Wow!, I love you so much".

She kissed him on the cheek.

"Just save it for later and get to work"

"You seem desperate"

"I got load on cases on my desk and this one seems mysterious"

"I see, bye then"

He watched her step out of the house and as soon as the door closed, he heard footsteps that prompt him to turn.

There was Elena moving down in a T shirt and blue bell shaped skirt that held her waist tightly.

Behind was her bag which she dragged carelessly.

"Hey, you're ready?"

"Yes" She replied sharply.

"You look sad, don't you want to go to school?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no"

"You keep acting weird Elena, you know if there's anything, you can confide in me"

"I thought you were busy with office works"

"I can't neglect you, okay?, I'll always be here for you".

"I know that, we should get going". She told him as she moved to the kitchen.

His phone buzzed and he stared at the screen to see the notification.

Elena walked out with a flask and headed for the door.

"Did you freshen up?, you appeared pretty quick" He told her.

"I already freshen up to take my second ride into the land of sleep before mom interrupted"

"You don't have to sleep always Elena, okay?"

She didn't reply as she dragged her feet to the awaiting Ferrari Dino 246 GTS.

Elena got into the passengers seat and closed the door.

Detective Gomez soon joined her in the vehicle and started the ignition.

" I'm worried about you, Daughter "

" And I've told you, I'm fine okay, I'm gonna clock 18 in three days time, do you know what that means?, I won't be a baby girl anymore"

"Is that the reason for the attitude?".

"I'm fine, By the way, your phone"

He hit the accelerator and picked the phone on the seat.

"I'm on my way Captain, give me a few minutes".

He hung up and dropped the phone.

"Is that your boss?"

"Yeah, my demanding boss"

"You're the City's finest, Dad"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"C'mon, I'm not hyping you, what's it this time, triple homicide in one day?" She asked.

"No, Just one, a man got murdered last night and whatever killed him wasn't human, it happens in the restroom of a club so it can't be an animal attack"

"So you get to investigate and find the perpetrator?"

"Sounds adventurous but I'll keep to my Doctor career" She told him.

"Hmm, you decided to go down the same path with your mother"

"Don't be jealous, Mom is forensic scientist but helps as part time Nurse sometimes, I'm Doctor"

"And I'm a Detective, the odd one, you're both on medical line"

"And it's up to me to bring balance to the career equation in the family, I should probably be a serial killer in future"

He involuntarily stepped on the brake and turned to see her.

"Did I say that loud?" She whispered.

"Just joking" She added with a big smirk.

He resumed driving while she looked down.

"Why do humans get to kill someone who's like them?, it's crazy, why do we kill ourselves?".

"There are many reasons but does not justify killing, it's wrong and offenders will be punished"

"So what about when animals murder people like this case, you said whatever killed him wasn't human"

"The court will decide, depending on the case, why asking?, you want to be a Doctor, right?"

"That's right"

The vehicle came to halt in front of the school gate and he looked around to see the number of students trooping in.

Elena got down from the vehicle and closed the door.

"Will you be coming to pick me later?"

"I'm sorry girl, I might be busy today, I'll give you money for cab"

"Got enough cash" She answered and walked away.

He tried to call her but she already vanished into the crowd of students.

Detective Gomez exhaled heavily and drove away.

Elena could be seen moving through the crowd of students as her eyes rolled over the gigantic buildings all around.

Stardom High was one of biggest and best school in the City as it's uniqueness cannot be overemphasized.

She found her way to the hallway while looking around like a stranger.

The students who saw her seems to be giggling as they covered their mouths.

"There goes the nerd" She could hear voices behind but she choose to ignore them.

It wasn't something new,summer vacation seems like break time in a prison but now she's back, back to hell.

She suddenly stopped in front of the door of an enclosed room and swallowed the saliva in her mouth.

Tears tried to form in her eyes but she cleaned it immediately and composed herself like a pro.

Elena pushed open the door only to be welcomed by the loud noise in the classroom, the students could be seen roaming around since there was no teacher at that time.

Like magic, silence took its place as the king in the classroom when they noticed her presence.

She tried hard to compose herself but she was fidgeting already.

Taking her first step, there was still absolute silence which prompt her to take another step but bumped into a huge figure in front of her.

"Elena Gomez, we were missing you already" The voice that sent her feet trembling sounded in her ears.

Elena rose her head to see the dark skinned chubby boy who was a little taller than her.

How could she not remember the face of her tormentor?, It was Johnson Brook, the assistant bully in the class.

Now that she had returned to hell, the demons that dwell there would surely welcome her.

"I'm... I'm sorry" She mumbled.

"Sorry?, For what?"


He placed his hand shoulder and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Be sorry that your parents brought a piece of sh*t like you into this world"

"You don't have to bring my parents into this " She managed to find her voice.

A hand pulled her bag from behind and she crashed to the ground.

Non of her classmates seems to react as they watched the scene with keen interest.

She looked up to see the person who had dragged her down, It was no other than Darwin, Jackson's best friend.

Jackson was more of lashing insults and curse words but Darwin always does the action.

She tried to rise up but he cleared off her hand with his foot and she fell to the ground again.

"A weakling, can you see that?" He chuckled with arms wide open.

She remained motionless on the ground with tears flowing out of her eyes.

"She's crying Man, C'mon let's go". Jackson tapped Darwin on the shoulder.

Watching them leave, the students resumed their activities and the noise was restored.

No one cared if she was hurt because the worse awaits such person.

Jackson and Darwin weren't the only bullies who were bent on making her lives miserable but more students who were under the leadership of the Bully Queen of Stardom High.

The Bully Queen had many followers, lot of students choose to so that they're exempted from been bullied but it was same as selling yourself to her slavery.

She was heartless and cared only about herself.

Elena staggered to her feet and dust her shirt before proceeding to her seat.

She could hear inaudible conversations among the students which made her clean her tears.

Getting to her seat, a female student was seated on her desk with her legs on her chair while sipping orange juice with a drinking straw.

"Um... Excuse...." She made to touch her when the girl turned with her stern look that drill holes into her face.

Elena was so shocked that she tried hard not to fall, her legs trembled and sweat soaked her shirt in a space of seconds.

There was the Sarah Grimes, the stray berry blonde with brown eyes, the well known leader of the bullies who was called, The Bully Queen.

"Mmmm hmmm".

She gazed deeply into Elena who had her head down.

"I was going to say hi"

"HI?, you were gonna drag me from your desk"

"No, Sarah, I wasn't gonna do that, I'm just gonna seat somewhere else"

"Do you know what I love about?"

She didn't reply as she preferred to remain mute.

Answering Sarah would only boost her to do more.

She had those innocent eyes but deep within was a load of evil.

"You're a dumb girl but mysteriously you're brilliant, I don't really understand"

Sarah inhaled heavily and dropped her legs from the chair.

"You missed school for the first two days, I was worried, thinking my favorite changed school, I hope you understand you broke my heart"

She inquired and grabbed Elena by the chin.

"You got me worried, do you understand the gravity of that?"

"I'm sorry Sarah, I was...."

"Ill?, keep that to yourself but now you're back, right?"

Elena nods slowly and Sarah tapped her cheek with a soft smile.

That was the two faced Sarah, she gets to act friendly and jovial but behind is an evil intention.

"C'mon have your seat"

It wasn't something new, Sarah was up to something and she was yet figure it out.

Fearfully, Elena had her seat her took off her bag but Sarah remained on her desk with a mischievous smile.

"You know Miss Rose gave us a certain summer break assignment?" She whispered into Elena's face.

"That's right"

"You did yours, right?"

"Um... Yes, I did all the exercise that same day"

"Impressive, you're such a brilliant girl"

She made to smile but remembered Sarah was no good person.

"Are you alright?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, Totally fine"

"Let me have me" She said authoritatively.

Elena wasn't really shocked, she knew very well that Sarah was up to no good.


"Give it to me!" She roared out with a stern look that attracted the attention of the students.

"Guess what?, I left the country for the break, so I got no time for a damn work"

She handed over the a hardcover to Sarah and bowed her head in fear.

"Good girl" She ran her fingers through Elena's hair.

"You're gonna copy and return as always, right?"

"And what if I choose not to?"

They heard the opening of the door and turned to see the dark skinned woman who walked into the classroom with heels that produced echo effects.

And that was Miss Rose, the jovial but serious Mathematics Teacher, she was in her early 20s and had that hot look.

"Unfortunately for you I'll keep the book" Sarah whispered into Elena's face and walked away.

"Can you settle down already?" Miss Rose yelled as she picked the marker on the desk and turned to the whiteboard but paused.

She turned to see Elena who had a rather scared look.

"Miss Gomez, you're finally showed up"

Elena nods slowly trying to keep a bright face.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Miss Rose"

"Good, I guess I can continue now?" "

She turned to the right when Sarah spoke.

" Summer Assignment, you haven't talked about it? "

There was murmuring in the classroom as Miss Rose turned quickly.

" Just thought it wise to remind you "

" Oh, thank you Sarah, I totally forgot about it, the assignment is a pathway to our next topic so I need to see what you've all done "

Elena turned to Sarah who wore mischievous smile.

"Don't even think of it" She read her mumbling lips and that instilled more fear in her.

She looked away and her heartbeat increased.

"Let's have it, on your desk, you know the punishment for not doing my assignments" The Teacher announced as she moved toward the first row.