The Investigation

Cops could seen moving in and out of Ken's Club while onlookers couldn't help but watch them.

A tall man in a black suit could be seen addressing a casually dressed

woman when a Ferrari Dino 246 GTS came to halt behind him.

"On it, Captain" She told him and moved quickly toward the crime scene barricade that stretched around the entrance.

The door of the vehicle pushed open and Detective Gomez stepped out in a grand style.

He pushed it close and turned to the man in black.

"Lieutenant Duke"

"Detective Gomez, you're a bit late"

"Um... I had to drop my girl at school, apologies"

"Accepted, How's the case going?"

"Clueless still, Did anything new come up" Detective Gomez asked.

"Nothing exactly, ten suspects are in custody already"

"Captain, this is a popular club where hundreds of people come to have fun, every single one is a suspect"

"I understand Gomez but remember we don't just make arrest without an evidence, I had some officers round up about fifty of suspects, as usual they lawyered up and we had no concrete evidence against them so off they go"

"I have to question the ten because in 24 hours they'll lawyer up too and with no evidence, they'll be released"

"Inspector Kim is on it already, they keep saying the same thing, they know nothing about the murder, a body fell down the ceiling and they took to their heels"

"It's possibly the truth, I questioned some eyewitness and they testified to the same thing"

"You mean suspects?"

"They were popular strippers in the club, Captain, no strong evidence so I couldn't make an arrest"

"Think carefully Detective, make sure you're not missing anything out"

"That's right, there was blood in the restroom which matched with that of our victim" He told him while moving forward.

They walked past the woman who was rolling off the crime scene barricade and found their way into the club.

Detective Gomez pushed open the door and they looked in to the coagulate blood on the floor and walls.

"He was murdered here"

"Exactly, and his body was moved into the ceiling, who does that?".

Captain Duke looked up to see big hole on the ceiling.

"The murderer was trying to leave with the body, I think"

"I thought that as well too but...."

Detective Gomez walked away and Captain Duke followed immediately.

He halt and they raised their head to see the big hole on the ceiling.

"It was forcefully broken down, Lieutenant "

"The murderer intentionally dropped the body, maybe he was sending a message"

"Yeah but why go the stress of carrying a body into the ceiling, we're talking about a full grown man, imagine taking a heavy body into the ceiling"

"Detective, you think the murderer had an accomplice?"

"Probably, I don't know but only if we can find a witness who saw him enter the restroom".

"We have one already"

"Oh, Great Job, Lieutenant, I guess we'll have to find the bartender and question him too since his table is the closest to the restroom, if his words matches with that of...".

"It's the bartender actually"


"One of the strippers was leaving for the restroom when she saw the bartender standing over a pool of blood at the entrance but according to her, it was at the same time the body from the ceiling, so your accomplice theory might actually be true"

"He's our main suspect, Captain".

"That's right"

"Let me go, I didn't kill Hansel, he was a friend" They heard a voice and turned to see two uniformed men behind the bartender who was cuffed.

They came to halt in front of the Lieutenant who spoke immediately.

"Is this the bartender?"

"I swear man, I killed no one, Hansel, he was like a brother to me"

"Yes Boss, he's the bartender" One of the officers told him.

"Uncuff him, we'll take it from here"


"Hansel, my brother, my man, I can't do that to him" The bartender complained as the cuffs were taken from him.

The officers left immediately leaving him with the lieutenant and detective.

"Just tell us, who's your accomplice?" Detective Gomez asked.

"C'mon, don't you get it, I didn't kill him"

"You were seen standing over his pool of blood"

"Doesn't mean I killed him, I went to the restroom to check on him only to find blood"

"That's what the witness says, she saw him open the door and enter, I just needed to hear same from him" Captain Duke told the detective.

"That means you saw him enter, the killer was waiting in there for him"

"Yes, I can see this thing is pointing to me, I'll just come out plain, I know who killed Hansel?".

They turned to him and he swallowed the saliva in his mouth.


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you?, I never believed in fetish beings called ghost but I do now"

"Are you joking now?" Lieutenant Duke asked angrily.

"It's insane man, this new girl comes to club, requests for bourbon which I provided for her, she looked like a total stranger, then my man, Hansel came up to harass her, I really don't know the beef between them, she left angrily for the restroom and he followed her, I know Hansel, he deals with rude woman his way which is something inhuman, I could hear unpleasant sounds which made me go over to beg him to leave the stranger but that was when I found the blood, he wasn't there, neither the girl, she had vanished mysteriously, probably through the hole above, she was just a girl, probably 18 or 19, I don't know "

" And you're certain she killed him? " Detective Gomez asked.

" I don't know, she looked innocent, Hansel is a man or war, he can't be taken down by such a little girl, his body fvcking fell from the ceiling, meters from the restroom, how did she carry him, she is a ghost " He told them.

"Do you have an alibi or someone else who saw the girl go into the restroom before he followed?"

"Of course, the stranger girl killed him" They heard a voice and turned to see the two bouncers moving toward them with an officer behind.

"They believed a certain girl killed the victim"

"Thank you, Officer Kimberly, you can leave"

"The fvcking bitch killed Hansel" One of the bartenders told them.

"A girl"

"She's not just a girl, something was off about her, that's why we sent Hansel to find out who she was, we don't always let mysterious strangers in"

"So you're saying, he was finding out who she was?"

"Yeah, we saw him go into the restroom with her and um... we should have known she could kill him, I swear I'm gonna kill that girl if I ever see her" The other bouncer cursed.

"Who's this Hansel to you?"

"He's a bouncer too, we together, as brothers"

"So you're agreeing, the bartender didn't do it" Captain Duke asked

"C'mon Man, it's the girl, he got nothing with this"

"And what prove do you have?, are there cameras here".

"No camera but I'm sure Manager will consider it now that something bad has happened"

"Captain, can I see you for a second?"

The detective moved away with Captain Duke and exhaled.

"I know what's on your mind Detective, the accomplice theory, they probably agreed to do it together"

"Yes but somehow I believe them, Captain, last night during the investigation I climbed up into the ceiling to see the trail of blood from the restroom point, I found traces of hairs, strands of hair which isn't that of man".

"Probably a girl like they say".

"Exactly but a girl, there were slash marks over his body like he was tortured and his throat was ripped out, we haven't found the murder weapon yet"

"They're lying, Detective, a girl kills him and takes him over the ceiling, he was tortured before the death".

"If they're lying then it's unprofessional of them, they should know claiming a girl did it can't be believed, we have to look carefully into this"

"You're right, Detective".

Captain Duke returned to the men with Detective Gomez following behind.

"You three might have to come with us to the station for a statement and questioning, you're prime suspects now until we collect enough evidence"

"That might not be necessary, Lieutenant"They heard a voice and turned to see a young man in an overall coat moving toward them.

"Sergeant Kim" Detective Gomez called out.

"I got the autopsy result you requested from the forensic team"

He handed over sealed files to Detective Gomez.

"Lieutenant , Detective, the marks on the man's body weren't inflicted by murder weapon, it's not a knife or sharp objects, they're claw marks"

"Someone killed our victim with the claws of an animal, that is strange, Sergeant

"As strange as it sounds Captain, his throat which was ripped out, it was analyzed carefully, something sharp and steady did it, five deep puncture on the ripped flesh, it's definitely claws".

"Go on, sergeant ". Detective Gomez told him.

"Also, the strands of hair you found hoping they could get a DNA out of it, they did, they got one, Detective"

"That's a good news, we just need to run it through hospitals databases to get a match, except the person's DNA info isn't in the database, that's progress"

"We found the killer already, Detective"

"Really?, that was fast"

"Yeah, it was fast because they didn't have to run it through DNA records of hospitals"

"Now I'm confused Inspector, who's the killer?"

"The DNA info, it was that of an animal"


"A Wolf"