Operation 'Ruin Sarah'

"Why don't she solve the problem for us, I bet I'm not the only one who has wants a solution to it since a correction haven't been done yet"

"Oh my, thank you so much Silvia , I totally forgot about that"

Miss Rose said as she cleaned the board quickly.

"Yeah, I was supposed to show the correction to the assignment, I'm so sorry for that students, we're gonna do that quickly before we move to the next method"

"I'm sure Sarah would be very much happy to show us, how she did hers, maybe there's a magic trick or something"

"There's no magic trick, it's simple maths"

"Hmm, I guess I'm gonna have a hard time believing that"

Sarah was getting inpatient already as she tried to hide her anger.

Tara couldn't help but shake her head from where she sat.

"Silvia, always the cunning creature" She mumbled.

"Alright then, Um Sarah can you kindly step forward, the class wants your explanation" The teacher announced leaving everyone stunned.

Everyone knew full well that she might not be able to, this was something no one saw coming.

Sarah grabbed the desk as her breathing increased gently.

She rose slowly and Silvia began to clap but no one joined her.

"Oh, sorry, old school mentality"

She let out a soft smile and composed herself.

For once, Sarah was scared as she stood fixed to a spot, making an excuse and leaving the class would have been best but Silvia had put her in a situation that if she left, It would be defeat on her path.

Everyone will conclude the new girl

slammed her really hard but they knew her well, she was the stubborn type.

She grabbed her book and stepped forward confidently.

"What the hell are you doing?" Elena whispered.

"Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead" Silvia replied with a line from the Ed Sheran's 'Perfect'

"She got a book, she's gonna do it"

"I expected that, can you solve that?"

"What the hell are you up to?"

"You don't need to answer, it's your work she copied and from what I heard, you're a maths don"

"C'mon, Silvia"

Sarah didn't hesitate as she took the marker and began to write down everything that was in her note.

Yeah, she felt she had the situation conquered but little did she know she just messed with a Silvia who's spent her entire life, playing trick games.




A cab stopped in front of the school compound and Olivia got down in a black biker's jacket.

She looked around before proceeding into the compound.

Maggie could be seen watching her from afar with a binocular.

She slowly retreat it and a gentle smile escaped her painted lips.




"There, the solution" Sarah announced and covered the marker with a confident smile.

Jackson began the clapping and the other students joined him knowing full well what would happen if they didn't.

"Thank you, Sarah" Miss Rose smiled gently.

"Always making people feel they've won before a twist blow, such a Nicholas" Tara tapped on her desk knowing full well that the drama wasn't over.

"Well, she didn't solve it, she copied from the note, how do we understand?, she didn't even explain, I thought that was the main reason for this" She dropped the bomb which silenced the clapping immediately.

"C'mon Sarah, show us the magic trick, we deserve to know"

Sarah grinned angrily as she closed her book.

"Silvia Nicholas, do you have a conflict with Sarah?"

"Of course not, you asked me to bond with her because she's a don, I guess, isn't this a stepping stone to a brand friendship, I'll be so glad if she can teach me this, us particularly but if she can't solve it, no need to press hard then, I'm just gonna forgot about it "

" Alright, Sarah, you solved it correctly but I don't think anyone understand the path you took, kindly explain to the class how you did it"

At this point she knew it wasn't a coincidence, Silvia knew what she did to Elena but what was her business in this, why was she trying to get at her?

"We understand very much Miss Rose" Darwin said quickly in order to rescue his boss.

"I don't" Tara answered from behind.

Even Silvia was shocked that she had to turn, she wasn't expecting Tara to get involved since they had an unresolved past.

"Yeah, I don't really get the steps" She added to her previous statement.

Sarah's hands were shaking already as she looked at the faces of the students.

All she did was write out all she had copied, she didn't understand a thing and now wasn't the time to wonder how Silvia knew.

She was getting humiliated already and there was no possible way out of it, excusing herself to use the restroom will be same to defeat.

"Checkmate, bitch!" Silvia let out gently with a smile that Sarah could see clearly.

"She's..." Sarah was trying to find the best way to explain that Silvia was getting at her but she couldn't, Miss Rose expected her to do it since she's been one of the best students, pretended to be actually.

"The time for the class is half spent Sarah, explain to the class so we can move on with our lesson for today"

"I don't think she can explain Miss Rose, maybe this was a bad idea after all"

"No, you deserve to be taught Silvia Nickolas, everyone does, that's why you're here, never hesitate to ask questions"

"I heard she always take the assignment of other people and pretend she does it herself, I guess it's true then"

"Don't listen to her Miss Rose, she hates me, that's why she's doing all this, she doesn't need an explanation, she's a lier" Sarah let out the burst angrily.

"Really?, is solving a mathematical problem an issue for a brilliant kid like you"

"I won't take that from you, Silvia Nicholas"

"Enough Sarah!" Miss Rose yelled and silence ensured.

"You don't act hostile toward new students and Silvia Nicholas, what are you saying about Sarah copying assignments?"

"Oh, I guess you don't know and paints her as a Mathematician, she knows nothing but copies from others, everyone are aware but they won't speak, even now" She said while looking around.

"That's a heavy allegation from a new student like you"

"Oh, I guess I heard the rumors wrong then, fine, my apologies for the allegations"

Sarah fist her hand angrily and Miss Rose was noticing her uneasiness already.

"Sarah, are you alright?"

"I'm fine"