
"This is the same allegation Miss Elena put forward which she then confessed to be untrue, are you sure your hands are clean in this"

"She moves around with Elena and now she's doing the same thing, don't you see it, Miss Rose, Elena is putting her to this"

"You mean the one you copied the work from but then she's scared to speak out the truth"

Elena bowed her head trying to breath properly, the event was taken a drastic turn.

"What are you doing?, Silvia Nicholas"

"I'm trying to prove to everyone that she is fraud, she's a big time fraud" She yelled putting at Sarah.

"Silvia Nicholas, if you have issues, you report them directly to the school authorities"

"Oh, I don't know that, of course I'm new" She chuckled.

"Alright, Alright then, I'm sorry, I guess we can continue the class"

"Sarah, can you defend this allegations?" Miss Rose asked while cleaning the workings on the board.

"Of course I can, she's a lier, I don't really get what Elena Gomez wants from me, we all know she's been crazy lately and now she's tagging the new girl along"

"Fine then, Sarah, solve it, without your note, if you did this assignment yourself, I'm sure you solve it of hand, the authorities have received this allegations in time past, I'm not gonna look past it this time"

"Miss Rose, she's...."

"No Sarah, I don't want to hear anymore Just solve the problem, did you do the summer assignment yourself?"

"Of course I did"

"Good, show us how, this was the simplest of all, you got everything, no one else did"

"I just need to write it out from my note"

"You don't need the note if you understand this thing, Sarah, alright, use the note but explain the steps as you go"

Sarah exhaled heavily, she turned and out of the several faces, her eyes chose to fix itself on Silvia who wore a straight straight.

At this point, she knew trying to fight would only cause a bigger humiliation, Silvia got her pinned from every angle.

"I can't" She stammered with tears forming in her eyes.

"You can't do what Sarah?,"

"I can't think now, I'm sorry, I have a terrible headache"

She dropped the marker in shame and moved to her seat.

Miss Rose was speechless as she couldn't find the right word.

"Does this mean you all don't understand what I've been teaching, I'm just gonna rush through the correction and we'll dive straight into our..."

She turned to the board to write.

"Um, Elena Gomez says she can do it" Silvia drooped the second bomb that caused murmuring in the classroom already.

It came as a big shock to Elena, she inhaled heavily trying to compose herself.

"Elena Gomez failed to do her work, I doubt she can"

Silvia stepped on Elena's feet and she now understood what this was all about.

"Of course I can" Elena answered involuntarily.

"Good girl" Silvia mumbled in a low tone.

"Elena Gomez, you mean you can solve this?"

"Any quadratic problem Miss Rose, I can" She said raising to her feet.

Even Elena herself couldn't believe what was propelling such courage into her, she found herself trusting fully on Silvia without thinking about the consequences of her actions.

She already promised Silvia in the restroom to listen to whatever she says and act without worrying about what Sarah could do.

Maybe Silvia was right, maybe there was a connection.

Several thoughts ran through her mind as she picked up the marker.

She looked back at Silvia and she nodded gently.

Like magic, all the fears that were peeping out had vanished completely.

She felt like a boss, she wasn't even thinking of the outcome of this.

Silvia seems to sense a presence which made her turn to the window quickly but there was nothing.

She sniffed gently and looked around before focusing on the board again.

Olivia could be seen hiding behind the wall that was close to window while continuously spraying perfume fragrance from the can she held

She took off immediately and in a minute she had found her way to the roof of the building.

She closed the door behind her and exhaled heavily before sliding down the ground.

She felt buzzing behind her and quickly brought out the phone.

Olivia took the call and placed it on speaker.

"You're alive, let me guess you haven't started your work yet"

"I almost got caught, Maggie"

"And why should I care?"

"You should care because someone triggering your sister's humanity side"

"What are you talking about?"

"I gotta go now, I see you at home"

She hung up and running to the edge of the building, she dived over.



"And that's brings us to our final um answer, x equals 2 or x equals - 4" Elena told everyone as she turned slowly to the class.

Silvia began the clapping and every other student joined her, they couldn't hide the fact, that was best explanation one could ever give.

"I'm shocked and at same time impressed, this was the Elena Gomez I knew before your mystery attitude, keep it up then" Miss Rose smiled gently as she returned to her seat.

Elena sat to see the written sentence on the piece of paper before her, 'How do you feel now? "

She stared into Silvia's face without reply and looked back to see Sarah whose eyes were fully red.

The fear that left had returned and this time with full impulse.

" Dead " She mumbled.

" You're scared of the scaredy cat who puts on a lion face on? "

"Oh, please Silvia"

"We put on a happy face and prepare for what's to come?"

"What's to come?, Sarah will have her vengeance" Elena replied with eyes shut.

"Exactly" She replied.

Elena slowly opened her eyes to see Silvia who fixed her gaze on the board already.

"You have a plan, right?"

"I always have a plan, Elena Gomez but this one is more of a world War 3"

"What do you mean?"

Silvia didn't reply as she let out a soft smile.

"And so, off to the formulae method, we have 10 minutes before the duration for the class is over,"