Devina Moon?

"A witch??"

"Not the evil one who read in your story books, it's a trait from my family line, this is my gift" Tara said and snapped her finger.

Her hand caught fire but was not consumed.

"You're on fire" .

"No, I'm not, I'm fire, I'm immune to it " She replied and it quenched.

"You know Silvia...."

"Werewolf, An Alpha now, I know The Nicholas very well, a good reason I warned you to stay away from her, look what she's done to you, you're a curse now"

"It was a mistake, okay?, and it's crazy to say but I'm happy that she turned me, I just feel different now"

"How long?, a week?"

"It's still days"

"I still don't believe you went head on with that creature, even an Alpha will hesitate, seems she's training you the wolves way already"

"I'm still learning"

"You know my sister got a gift too, a very rare kind of witch"

"Devina" Elena called without thinking.

"Huh! You know her?"

"Um, who?"