A Sealed Secret

Elena and Tara walked out of the school clinic to see the cops who had flooded the place in their numbers already. 

She saw her father from afar and immediately he saw her, he ran with full speed and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my God, you're okay, I was scared when you weren't taking your calls" He whispered releasing her from the hug.

"What happened to your face?" He exclaimed seeing the skin plaster. 

"I brush my face against something while running" She lied.

 "Well you're alive, we should be happy for that, whatever that animal is killed ten students and the janitor".

"Oh my God" Her jaw dropped 

"I'm really happy to see that you're okay, It's gone really worse, a total of fifty bodies have been dropped by The Beast today "

"The Beast?" 

"That's what everyone calls it, the news, the social media, everywhere,

the hashtag #Beast_Of_Stardom is trending on Twitter and yet we don't have a clue of what this thing is"