Crazy Devina

" What if it's successful? " Amell asked.

" It can never be successful because this time my nano weapon is strongly encrypted. Any witch who tries to decrypt will need a higher power too, the puzzle is tricky and confusing, it'll either send the witch insane or kill her " Rocco chuckled.

" If they don't find out about the bomb, the little witch dies, so either way one person is gonna die or another is gonna go insane today " Sambora said.

" Boss, there's a problem " One of the lady said taking off her headset.

" Caro, what's it? " Rocco asked moving to her.

" The Nano tech was deactivated and we can't activate it, not any more " She said to him.

" I thought you said they can't " Amell asked.

"There's always a backup plan, Amell, whoever deactivated it is gone insane or dead already but here goes the backup. Shutting down my nano tech automatically triggers another part of it, the bug system" Rocco said and Sambora moved closer.