Sambora's Plot


Detective Gomez arrived at the control base of stardom hospital and the operators turned back taking off their headset.

"Detective Gomez, you're here" One the men got to his feet.

"You can seat Frank, I'm sure you received my mail"

"Yes. What footage do you request? Everything is at your disposal" Frank said to him.

"I need the footage of Um..." He opened a pdf on his device running his finger through.

He stopped at a date and raised his head up.

"25th of september this year, at around 6pm to 7am" Mr. Gomez told him.

Frank turned to his system and typed on his keyboard.

He paused and turned back slowly.

"I'm sorry detective, the footage is taken already, we don't have another copy"

"Taken, By who?"

"Um...You've been a good friend of mine Gomez and I can't lie to you, this is suppose to be confidential" Frank whispered.