WebNovelSo Will I30.23%

Chapter=13(Your mom-in-law is returning home to South Korea?)

"And big melons too!"


From the background, several thirsted hawk-like gazes fell upon her. It even managed to reach her ears too.


The girl's eyelids dropped down slowly and slightly sifted from left to right. As if it wasn't her first time to be tackled in this sort of scenario, she was calm and keep on appearing cool and brushed off the uneasy atmosphere.

She once again bowed but this time more lowered.



She halted the moment and flinched when haemin lean his body down.

Immediately afterward that girl stepped back with a face full of shock.


Along with her, the whole crew of the students was perking their ears and eyes highly on them.

At first glance, it almost seemed like a drama one. Where the protagonist falls for the main female lead sort of timing.

At second glance, it almost seemed like haemin bowed back for that girl to look at her wounds on the left leg.

Haemin stretches out his hands right down that girl's shoes.

As though it felt too good to be true girl closed her eyes and stayed tuned to every sixth sense.

And so were others too.

But who would have known in the last moments, that the reason that lead haemin to bend down was not that he was concerned about the wounds of that stranger's girl but instead it was his phone?

His phone.

Who would've expected of it?


Seeing this both men and female left out a huge sign of relief.

And of course, the reasons behind it were their respective selfishness.

Haemin only took one glance over his screen-shattered phone and then walked off silently in such a way as though he had never encountered a human before but a wall.


It was common for that girl to be in a déjà vu for a sec.

A second-hand embarrassment.

Instantly nearby boys helped her a hand in collecting the rest of it. But in a way more uncomfortable. However, that girl once again handled it like a pro.

Soon the entire hallway got cleaned up in a second. Everybody starts to rush into their respective class.

As usual haemin, Newmoon and April were on the same row line, etc focusing on the lectures. Meanwhile from the back side of the door, with a 'tip-toe' the same girl with whom haemin got thumped into happened to sneakily enter the class and surprisingly managed to sit on the empty down seat too.

Besides the three of them, nobody noticed her presence. Especially the professor on the front.

Likewise Newmoon, April too didn't give much attention to that girl. And the remaining person haemin?

Definitely Not!!

He didn't even really bother to tilt, turned around his head let alone waste his time looking at someone stranger!

Stranger? Yeah!!

Now the fact she had successfully secured her spot without getting caught, only then did she relieve a long sigh of relief.

And even stretched her body and arms silently. As if by chance she pushed it a little more than normal or if it felt uncomfortable from having to shrink down from back to the formal place, her neck almost turned back towards haemin.


The phrase "What the-" was written all over her face.

"Isn't h..e?"

Now she began to doubt!!

She scrunched her brows and lean back slowly as she fell deep into her memories to extract some information or clarification.

"That guy..from-!

Yeah from earlier.

Suddenly a shameful flashback overflowed her ears. And she turned her head back.

"Oh my!"

For some unknown reason, her whole face turned into a reddish color.

"He is..-

"-It's too good to be real! Can't believe I am in the same class as him!"

For the entire class, she stole a few more glances at him without anybody's attention or getting caught.

You must be thinking about haemin right?


He was too lazy to catch others' gaze cause they're too many to even start!!

To talk about a strange point, this time weirdly enough April was able to catch her in a red hand.

"SIGH! Give me a rest please!"

She mumbled down as she brushes her hair off!

"Okay, that's all for today!"

Professor Lim got out of the class.

"Kim Newmoon? Right?"

Newmoon was just about to topple his head down on the desk when an unknown mysterious girl's voice sounded in her nearby ears.


The entire phrase of WH question of 'which, how, what, where, why, when?' distinguished into a dark cloud and eventually covered his face.

These couple of days surely went out against his control. It's as if he has been thrown into a scenario of some sort of drama knowingly, he had been kept on getting into a new person once in a while.

And surprisingly they even knew his name?


Wiping his hands with tissue paper, Newmoon got a series of earlier flashbacks.

"Excuse me., do I know you miss?"

Newmoon's already flat nose even got more flattened and shrunk down on another level.

And to talk about his eyes, they were squinted as he raised his eyebrows making them appear dissolved into a pond of worries and surprisement.

Haemin, "…"


Both their eyes and attention naturally fall upon them.


"Excuse my manners!"

She slightly shook her head and hide her face beneath her long shelves as if she was holding back her embarrassment.

"I am Kyo Sanghae!"

"Nice to meet you! BTW we have already met before then this-


Yeah, each word after another shocked Newmoon even more.

She shook her hands in a panic way.

"I mean..n-

Also, her voice was coming off from a little pause somehow even sounding as if she was whispering to herself or figuring it out by herself.

"I saw you.., no it's like I know you but you don't know my type of scenario."


Meantime Newmoon's eyebrows were about to skyrocket from the strange question that it almost look like a rocket.

Sanghae opened her mouth and closed her mouth.

She secretly clenched her fists as she recalled some memories.

A few days before sangha somehow ended up in an information center.

Seniors requested her to fill up the missing information in her form related to her admission documents in the information department.

Right behind her left side corner, there was one working guy, a regular office worker who was collecting a huge pile of paper works. Within just a few seconds, she came to realize that she wasn't the only one who had missed out on the form or came for correcting.

Filling out the rest of the form, sangha reached out to him. Few to several students were already in the queue to hand that office worker and so was sangha too.

All the chatter and hustle bustle going on in the entire room. At first, she was silently amazed at the atmosphere but soon she couldn't care less as she got adapted to it.

As though she was bored or thinking about something her gaze swiftly went to someone's form.

On the right side of the front corner of the form, A gentle man's handsome passport size photo was attached to it. The appearance was not so awe-type. But overall it was good compared in general. Then automatically as human nature, her eyes swiftly shifted to the left side of the form where she knew the person's name.

It was none other than the Newmoon himself.

So, In that way, the sangha was able to acknowledge him in just a few seconds.

Hearing out the confession like that Newmoon could only open his mouth in awe and was dazed for a long while.


Meanwhile the phrase, 'I shouldn't have spoken out, 'Now he probably thinks I am a weird, stalker? and..!" was all floating around her face like a dolphin swimming over the surface of the ocean.


"wait, I did go to the administration office for my documents."

Newmoon deeply starts to dive into the lake of memories.

He blinked his eyes to focus more on the details,

"so, does that mean this girl's power was so quick that she was able to recognize in just one glance.? Like just with a pp photo that in someone's form and hand?"

"Should I be more amused with her ability that she was able to get or should I be surprised and be angry for that particular reason?"

No matter how much he thinks, He finds it more astonishing and surprised as well.

And why wouldn't he?

A weak-minded person like him who has got an even more, lost memory off finds it more astonishing. Even if the person was of his well-known or friends, neighbors, living under the same roof, which he almost encounters in a day to day life, he had a hard time noticing them outside the area. Let alone in a big environment like college.


She explained as she paid attention to his facial expression somehow worried about him. Her lips moved uneasily,

"Sumbae now I think you must see me as a-

"I get it I get it."

He repeat with a great deal of foresight as he waved his hands, "I know where it's gonna end!"

He thought to himself.

"Nothing good gonna come out if we keep on bargaining about it and nothing gonna change the fact she has seen me too!!"

He slightly brushed off his front hair as he turned back to lift his bags,

"No worries. Never-

Instantly his eyes met with the haemin who happened to look his way too.


"Why is he-

Before the word could even pop out completely as if he realized something, his head turned towards April subconsciously.

As he had assumed, she was glancing at them too!


Newmoon finally turned his head around in a flush.

"I have been alone for a long time that for a moment it slipped through my mind that right now I am no longer alone."

"Oh! Then it was a relief! I guess?"

Sanghae left out a huge sigh of relief.


Immediately afterward sangha's tone got changed.

It was sweeter and over surfaced with honey over and made a cute face on the top of it,

"Sumbae..could you please help me with the notes..! earlier professor said-

"- I will buy you a delicious meal in return..how about that-?"

"- Sorry to butt in the middle but I can't..!"

Newmoon brutally denied it with a blank face.

It was the first time he had ever denied something so straightly in his entire life.

April, "…"

Haemin, "…"

Without a pause, Newmoon continued as he carry out his bag on the right side,

"As you might already get a hint but I always happened to doze out in the classroom. So I end up not understanding at all let alone about taking notes on it or doing an assignment."

Knowing she caught him while dozing off too earlier, he used a perfect excuse.

Sanghae blinked her eyes in bewilderment.


"It might sound like I am bluffing but it's true!"

Then he walked away with a cold shoulder.


A silence of air-flown among the rest of them.

Both haemin and April returned to their respective position.

Then sanghae hardly turned into the corner where haemin was still there scrolling into his laptop.

She hesitantly approached him in small steps.


She brushed off her front hair and tugged into the back side of the ear. Leaning towards him, she coughed a bit before she opened her mouth,

"Sumba- will-

"I don't wanna!"


For a moment she froze as if she heard him wrong.


Soon hearing haemin words April almost brushed out into laughter.


But luckily she was able to control her laughter.

She stared into a poor pitiful girl who got rejected twice brutally in front of her eyes simultaneously. Newmoon went a lot nicer than haemin who didn't even bother to neither listen nor answer lengthy.

Clean and sharp cut.

April couldn't help herself but giggle secretly.

Surprised sanghae couldn't utter a single word while haemin suddenly stood up and excuse himself.

Now the only one left was April and her.

That girl's gaze unconsciously fell upon April.

It was more than pitiful as though she was about to cry at any moment then.

April..sensed the smell of the environment activated through her sixth sense.

Before she could receive the same proposal from her mouth just like the same with haemin and Newmoon, April herself walked towards her.

In a high spirit way, she wrapped her arms around her and spoke in an excited yet apologetic tone,

"Common cutie don't give me that pitiful look!! I just happened to come to class from yesterday only. I haven't even prepared notes for myself yet!"

She lifted her hands into mid-air and slightly leaned backward along with her head too. Without the presence of tears, she began to act dramatically landing her hand over her forehead gracefully,

"So, Although this attendant here wants to help certain someone, she is compelled to withdraw her hands in this matter!"

Squirming her hips like that ancient concubine lady she smirks as she turned to the other sides, being touchy with her hair,

"But.. If you are that desperate, why don't you wait for a few days more. I can finish myself by then and I will give you!"

"How do you like that?"

She cleanly cut in a cheesy voice.

"Those boys are so full of themselves..! we gotta look out for ourselves..right? Girls helping other girls!!"

For some reason, sanghae finds it quite mocking.

She clenched her teeth as she thought,

"What's up with this girl? Is your brain gone to eat grass out there in the farmland no- outside in the garden hmm? A few days later? I need it now and you're telling me a.. a few days later?"

"Within those days, surely I will not only do it but even I'll finish it by myself! Haa!!"

Swallowing her thoughts, She forcefully forced a smile on her face and bowed to her as an appreciation,

"Sorry to bother you but thanks! Never mind I will ask others!"

As if April on the other side saw her true color, she laughed even harder.

"Haha, Feel free to talk to me Cutie-Btw what did you say your name was-

"Oh, it's Kyo sanghae!"

She stated politely.

"right sanghae, nice to meet you! I am April han.!"

"ok then let's get in contact okay. I gotta go now! GOOD LUCK!"

April's hair fluttered miraculously breathtaking into the air as she excitedly jump down the column.

Her goodbye tune was splendid too!!

Sanghae," Her hair is something, Quality is exquisite.


She sighed as she crossed her arms,

"She is quite a beauty too, Only if her behavior was-Hmph!"

She shook her head.

"No., No..it's not decent to judge others."


She mumbled as she took out her phone.

"Who am I supposed to point a finger at!"

As soon as she went into her text and her eyes struck at the light of the screen..,



Similarly, just like that time passed fleetingly, weeks went by, and eventually months too!!

Exams season was coming up. Every single of them was the same. Newmoon was still in his own company. Haemin treated everybody as if they were trivial flies and the only human being in the whole class was him. To talk about April, she was as always, a calm and cool person who goes around flirting with boys, teasing them with girls. Sanghae too was found to be nearby haemin in every aspect whenever she got a chance. Came up with several excuses possible to be close to him.

Meanwhile away from the midst of the chaos, a separate fandom of both boys and girls idolizing their own; without doubt For girls 'Haemin' and for boys 'April'. But the funny part was none of them was aware of it. Let alone Newmoon. Their followers had their respective group members enlisted as fans.

And yet they don't know a single thread of information as they always passed by them, saw people quarreling, tugging their hair out, punching, fighting and wrestling till their face got swollen up like a balloon and yet haemin and April had no idea, that they were the main reasons for most of the fights.

Nobody knew if it was bliss or a blessing.

Both of them had their fandom going on behind their back, fighting for their sake, protecting, rooting, discussing, etc. keeping their eyes on their oppa's and noona's.

Every single living, breathing being was busy as hell in their world.

Everything was running in its way suddenly one day-

-Newmoon received a phone call at a bus station while he was patiently waiting for a bus to return home.


He yelled in such a loud voice that people were giving him a stern and cold look even from miles away.

But Newmoon was too caught with a thought of it, that for the first time he let go of an overthinking about 'what was others thinking, am I weird, what's on their mind, etc…!!'

So knowing his personality, the reasons must be strong right..! That it successfully even got to surpassed and managed to control his hidden monster lies within his head?

"Your mom-in-law is returning home to South Korea?"

Newmoon widened his eyes in every possible way to outcast his hidden disbelief.

"No! they are returning to North Korea! They live there you know?"

Jina respond in a bluffed way and kind of sounded somewhat irritated too!

And who wouldn't? Jina was taking her time in explaining the news twice already in a polite way and then there was Newmoon who was stupidity asking her to repeat more than that.

Thankfully Jina was keeping her calm only because she was in near to the other relatives. Other than that she would already have thrown a huge ball of fire upon Newmoon's body just through the phone.

Newmoon shook his head in a panicked way. He still wasn't able to accept it out of a sudden.

"No, No, I mean..n I know...south Korea..!!".

His words began to shuttered.

"In my home..no..in our home..your?"

"Yes yes-! Yaa, where do you think they will go if their house is there?"

"HMM? Why are you acting weird today hmm?"

Panicked and surprised newmoon, he didn't know himself what the hell he was blurting out.